Prom Dresses Are Pretty In Pink…


Everybody is passing around the story of this little Texan jig girl who went to her prom dressed like a bootleg BeYONCE and ended up in the back of a car that she didn’t expect to be in, a police cruiser.

I’m not really for hand wringing in this case since I am sure that Miss MARCHE (that’s Mar-Shay, tres negro chic) TAYLOR has been miseducated by the high school that denied her entry to the prom. With no guidelines for attire I’m surprised that more students didn’t find themselves made examples of.

The teacher/chaperones surely knew that MARCHE TAYLOR would be one of the students that wouldn’t be able to put any legal pressure on the school since her parent/guardian/caregiver prA’li never shows up for parent-teacher conferences. Trust me, the teachers wouldn’t try that shit with a student whose parent was active at the school. Chances are also that a kid who has active parents wouldn’t step out sideways anyhoo.

MARCHE TAYLOR is a poor person and our society loves kicking poor people in their asses. This girl is just lucky that she isn’t a man since poor Black men get shot to death like race horses with broken ankles. Its still pretty embarrassing to be escorted from your high school prom in handcuffs just because you had on your freak’um dress. What could be worse than that? Wearing a white dress and getting an unexpected visit from your Aunt Rose I suppose? Yeah, that would hell’a suck.

The Class of 2008’s prom soundtrack – The Hazzards ‘Always’

9 Responses to “Prom Dresses Are Pretty In Pink…”

  1. Amadeo says:

    This is kinda lame anyway…schools ain’t on it like they used to be. I remember we would get our pagers took in the day. Now every school kid I see got a phone with some loud ass dumb ass ringer. We should bring back teachers hittin kids with rulers.

  2. Jaislayer says:

    This is the prom not the player’s ball. Baby girl’s outfit was absurd. Where are her parents? How was she allowed to come out the house looking like a stripper going to a prom? Who thought her outfit was the shit? There are so many questions. I did some crazy stuff when I was a teenager, young adult and even now, but you have to have some pride about yourself. You know, I really feel bad for her date. He knew he was getting some ass, until the cops slapped those cuffs on baby girl. Dudes whole night is ruined because his girl came out looking like a Jackie O reject. DAMN BET FOR RAISING OUR KIDS>

  3. Candice says:

    A prom is a formal event. You wear formal attire. What she had on was Pole Attire. *sigh*

    I don’t know who’s azz to blame or whip first. Her behind or her mama’s.

  4. Yo DP I posted the News clip. You know what the fucked part is the Local News station had her sacheing on the sidewalk with said Prom dress, hair all fucked up. Poor girl should atleast went to Mac and got her face did if she knew she was going to be on the news, but then again she probably couldnt afford it. The girl is far from ugly, she just has no taste cuz the dress was pretty atrocious.

    other things white people love = Seeing Poor People act a damn fool

  5. Dart_Adams says:

    That wasn’t a prom dress…unless they were gonna film a porno at that spot it wasn’t. That was straight up jumpoff gear. House Of Dereon be damned!

    Who the fuck/What the fuck is a Dereon anyways? Oh, these crazy Southern Black folks!

    *Goes back to watching brand new pirated films*


  6. Tiffany says:

    My first thought was where’s her moma? What’s so sad is there’s too much of this going on in our communities. Prom? I’ve seen girls walk down the street with outfits like this on. Going no where. On an average warm day.

    Her moma, caregiver, grandma, mother’s sister, someone needs their ass kicked! STAT!

  7. prynsex says:

    “They’re all gonna laugh at you” is the only thing that comes to mind.

    How long did she stay in County Lock Up? From the looks of her hair it looks like she acquired a “wig owner” from your local hoe stroll recreational weekender holding cell………….complete with the hoe stroll starter shoes of course.

  8. lola gets says:

    Um, I think the phrase is “Aunt Flo”, but I got your reference anyways, lol.

    Back when I went to the prom (1989), many of the girls got their dresses made, and some (ok, well, one) was bout just as scandalous. This neckidness aint all brand new.


  9. I’m wondering if all these half nekkid girls that go to prom lookin like ABSOLUTE FOOLS live in poor parts of Amerikkka…I don’t recall seeing shit like that in Southern California.

    And I went to prom in ’89 too…and the skankiest thing about ANYONE’S dress back then was a high ass split (or SPLITS) *a’hem* which is what I was sporting…but hell…I was cute. HAHAHA

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