POLITRICKS 2008: Reflections On Politricks 1968…


If you ask me, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON’s remarks about remembering ROBERT KENNEDY are a subtle reminder to white not to get caught up in the hype. The KENNEDY’s were young, charismatic political leaders who wanted to ignite the electorate to change the status quo. You see where that got them? You see where that got us? The last forty years have been a mashup of neo-conservative reactionary administrations. Save for that blip that was JIMMY CARTER, possibly the greatest president since forever.

When you remind American’s about the KENNEDY family I think that serves to put the dreamers and the people that are sick of the stench of supremacy back in their place. America eats its young. The dreamers, the believers, the workers, the fighters. Anyone who thinks that people should be placed before profits. Most of all, America eats anyone who dare eff up their game plan. Stick to the script, or you and your entire family will be waylaid. The invocation of 1968, whether it is MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. or ROBERT KENNEDY is essentially to keep people in check in 2008.

Call it psychological social-mobility terrorism. And get your ass a late pass. This shit done been in effect. I talked here before about the ‘Black Codes‘ and the fact that there was a social infrastructure that would not permit shit like Blacks owning property, or Blacks and white inter-marrying. This wasn’t simply frowned upon. These things were explicitly disallowed with legislation. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON became as reactionary as any neo-conservative when she in essence told the people, “Stay in your lane so you don’t get your ass merc’ked like the KENNEDYS”.

I know she doesn’t speak that colloquially but what other message do you take from her? Understand what is at stake here for these candidates. The winner goes home with a pocketfull of the ultimate poker chips. The money and power at stake here is immeasurable. Why else would the BUSH administration steal two(2) elections? Why else would HILLARY CLINTON be so desperate to secure the Dem party nomination? All the hippies from 1968 woke the eff up and put NIXON buttons on their blazer lapels. CLINTON was simply trying to remind us who it is that runs this rap shit.

15 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Reflections On Politricks 1968…”

  1. Liam says:

    bloody TIs

  2. Amadeo says:

    You hit it on the head. Funny I’ve been reading this book and when I heard this I had come to a section on JFK. It described his death as a ritual killing…”The Killing of the King”. The point of which is an unconcious transfer of power to those behind the scenes. Making the public say, “Damn…shit is pointless.”

    What’s deep is the country changed right away. Drugs spread more, clothing colors and fabrics, music got louder and faster, etc.

    I have to wonder what the symbolic killing of three (four for some of us) kings in such a short time did. MLK, JFK, (Malcolm X), RFK.

    Deeper still when you peep the top office and the Yale connection. Obama would be the first in several terms that didn’t attend, Hillary went to the Law school (like her husband) and McCain…don’t really matter cause he’s a line towing sumbitch.

  3. ceedat says:

    The death of Obama would eff America up until my generation the generation that believes in him wholeheartedly get up to 35. By then America will have been done fell the fuck off.

  4. Dart_Adams says:

    She was so upset that she threw off her backpack again and started crying. HRC is diggin’ a hole…g’head bury ya self. Throw in the fuckin’ towel already!


  5. 911 says:

    Shit is scary and sad.

    Insightful DP >

  6. P.Villa says:

    I don’t take H-Rod’s comments as a hidden jab to put “the dreamers” back in their place, but I do see it as another example of politicians not knowing when to shut the f up. They trivialize peoples lives and turn them into anecdotes. They talk about tragedies as if the people involved are fictional characters that don’t have families or friends that once knew and loved them. She has a history of opening her mouth w/o thinking (Bosnia, plantations, etc.) and this is just another remark to add to the list.

    Hillary comparing the situation to RFK is completely wrong because it’s not like he stopped running cause he didn’t have enough delegates…home boy got shot! And IF something were to happen to Obama, I’m not voting for her strictly on the grounds that she’d be responsible for bringing on the bad karma.

    Go Yankees.

  7. Damn forgive me the following ramblings

    Co-sign on Carter’s being slept-on. I’m too young to actually remember the Carter term, but from history class, it seems like the economy would’ve sucked then in the 1970s regardless of the President due to OPEC. Carter is def a good man tho, look at all the good work he’s done with his Carter center for Africa & fair elections globally.

    I would guess that a Pres Obama on the DL [||] would holler [||] at Carter as a mentor for advice.

    Thom Hartmann, the GOAT US politics/current events commentator talks about how since 1980 it’s really been war on the middle class. The only Dem Pres since 1980 was Bill Clinton, & BC was a “triangulating” “centrist” “New Democrat” that economically was halfway Corporate Whore ReThuggish, esp with NAFTA.

    Hartmann does remind that sometimes Presidents can shock us in a good way. There not always horrible as the Panicciollis would state, no disrespect to the Panicciollis out there.

    Johnson was a “good old boy” from TX who used racist campaigns against blacks ala Hillary Rove. But then Johnson pushed became like the GOAT Civil Rights President with the Great Society.

    FDR Roosevelt was a from a superrich family, but then pushed the New Deal thru to recover from the Depression, and help the poor & middle income groups tremendously.

    I’m hoping Obama can be the 1st “positively shocking” Pres we’ll have since at least Carter if not Johnson [||].

    BTW I know it’s cliche for most Americans to assume & insist that no matter how focked up the USA is, it’s still the GOAT country in every field. I’m starting to believe that socioeconomically the GOATs are the Scandinavian countries like Norway, I wish we could move the USA in their direction. They have a “social democracy” where capitalism is balanced by a strong social safety net, with “free” health care, college, & job training, yet their GDP/capita is similar to the USA. In the USA if you get some rare cancer & your medical insurance shits on you by refusing to pay, if you don’t have 300K in the bank, you will prolly die, as shown in the Sicko show like Mike Moore’s. That don’t happen in Norway. If ReThugs want to call me a “socialist” for that so be it! Hartmann was a successful entrepreneur capitalist of a million dollar advertising startup company, who advocates a Norway type economy, so ReThugs spare me the “lazy liberal” ad hominem attacks.

  8. forgot to mention that the FDRs & Johnsons were replying to the will of the people. Historically good Presidents follow the people, not the other way around.

    Shyt like civil rights, women voting rights, abortion rights came from the politicians reacting to the grass roots activism on these issues in order to chase votes. As opposed to their own special wisdom to “lead” the people.

  9. West Indian (that'd be Caribbean for you, North Americans) says:

    @ P.Villa

    She said it on three (3!!!!!!!!!!) occasions.

  10. If Hill Rove somehow juxes this from Obama, as focked up as it is, I’ll prolly bring the chemical warfare gas mask (just holding my nose won’t do) & vote for Hill-Rove. Reason is the Supreme Court. If a Pres McCain goes for hardcore ReThug “Justices” like Scalia, and gets to add 2 of these douches, abortion will re-become illegal. Other shyt would get worse too, like Corporate Welfare. Don’t see any antitrust happening with a Court full of Scalia-types & Uncle Thom Thomases.

    But hey in that case even if you can’t stomach Hill-Rove, fock with a 3rd party cat like Nader or the Green party Cynthia McKinney. Fock it even the Libertarian party Bob Barr, which will annoy the ReThugs, + the Libertarians will end the Iraq war also. Respect the prior generations’ heads like MLK Jr that fought for US voting rights.

  11. P.Villa says:

    @ West Indian

    If you read her comment line by line:

    1) She doesn’t mention Obama
    2) She used other politicians as examples of having their campaigns running into June

    Was the comment in poor taste? Yes, because the Kennedy’s are going through their own issues right now. Yes, because RFK’s importance and death shouldn’t be up for comparison. But to say that she wants Obama merked is reading a little too much into it in my humble opinion. As much as I would LOVE to bury H-Rod for saying or doing ignorant things, it won’t be for insinuating that Obama get sniped. At least not yet.

    @ El Gringo
    I share in your hope that Obama is that president that shocks this country into some change, but I won’t vote for H-Rod. I’d rather do my research and vote for a third party candidate.

    If any one jumps on and says that I’m just throwing away my vote, then they can go take a walk, because when x amount of people vote for these third parties, that tells me that there are x amount of people out there who think this country is f’d the f up.

  12. the_dallas says:

    Hillary was also categorically lying since we can go and do the research to see that Bill Clinton had the nomination in his grasp by April. No one else was even being considered by the time the summer came and the Dem convention was like a homecoming gala.

  13. I officially legally change Hillary Rodham Clinton’s name to HillaRove.

    Hillary wrt Karl Rove is basically saying “He is I & I am him, slim with the tilted brim, what’s my name, fool!” HillaRove!

  14. P.Villa says:

    No doubt HillaRove categorically lies. Her problem is that she’s not as slick as her man. Bill talked out of both sides of his mouth and still had a 60+ approval rating.

  15. bebe says:

    where is the “ho sit down” pic when you need it????

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