You know how I know that America still isn’t ready for a Blackish president? Because there is still a taboo around words in the English language.
One word in particular.
I was hoping that this word would go mainstream this summer. I love saying it too. It transports my mind to another place. I imagine a cunt to be tasty and sweet like a fruit. Just look at the apple above. That is the image that forms in my mind when I think of a cunt.
JOHN McCAIN loves the word cunt as well. That’s why he called his wife one. I’m pretty sure he was also thinking of something delicious to eat as well. I’m going to say the word cunt fifty times today. It may get me elected into office one day.
Oh God, that apple.
No C*ntry For Old Men? Classic. LMAO
As soon as I watched this CNN previewed an interview with Cindy McCain “talking about an emotional issue”….being called a cunt in public?
I’ve brought cunt and twat back into the locak lexicon. Twat has even become an official adjective for describing customers at my office.
Wow. Cunt is harsh. Actually, it falls out the mouth in such a way that it makes me cringe. It seems so………dirty (no prude). This incident, however, just highlights McInsane’s emotional instability. I can’t imagine the thought of Dr. Jeckyll and his Stepford Wife in the WhiteHouse. Frightening!
Once again the “latinos won’t vote for Obama out of racism” meme that the LameStream Media was hyping in the primary, is for the 4080th time discredited as bogus. Of course Dallas was co-signing that nonsense meme also.
Obama 60
McCain 23
Undecided 16
that is much more pro-Obama than the general public. Keep in mind this sonning is despite FL Cubanos, many who are 1 issue voter for ReThuglicans because of Cuban policy. If FL Cubans were removed, the result would be even more etherous.
chk out what I call the blinded by the Obamafication of America
Latin peoples don’t like each other. Mexican Cubans hate Mexican Dominicans. Mexican Dominicans hate the hair texture. With all of supremacy’s programming teaching the Latin people to separate and differentiate from ‘the other’ I don’t believe these demographics will select ‘the other’ with their general election vote. Prove me wrong in November just like the Celtics did in June.
I’ll send you something in the mail.
McCain called his wife a cunt? CLASSIC! Why isn’t the media jumping on this? LMAO! Great post