South Carolina Is SOOOOOO Ghey…


The latest furor in the new south (read: gheysville America) is the above ad campaign posted around Europe to attract teh ghey tourists.

I wonder if ghey Europeans are disproportionately more wealthy than say, het breeder Europeans? I mean, who chases after the “ghey” demographic anyhoo, unless there is a grip of money to be made. South Carolina stays promoting their Civil War history and their plantations too. War is definitely some ghey shit. I used to think that if you were staying at Hilton Head [ll] you got comped blowjobs from Paris. Maybe it’s her dad that is giving them himself.

I’m sure that South Carolina is ghey, but how could they be gheyer than Florida? Key West anyone? Nothing gets gheyer than Key West, not even NYC’s Greenwich Village during the Pride Parade. Keep in mind that half the people at NYC’s Pride Parade are straight people trying to find out what clothing is fashionable.

Yeah, I’m sure that South Carolina is ghey, but so is North Carolina too.


7 Responses to “South Carolina Is SOOOOOO Ghey…”

  1. Grand Master says:


    fam that is a straight (pun intended… maybe) ridonculous ad. I can only imagine the shitstorm what would blow up if it came out (pun definitely intended) in the States.

    Europeans stay on their dont-give-a-fuck.

  2. Candice says:

    You need to see some of the ghey cruise line ads. LOL

  3. Enigmatik says:

    Their state school mascot is a gaymecock. Nuff said.

  4. big rils says:

    what about provincetown, MA? That’s the OG ghey hood.

  5. Combat Jack says:

    ^”Their state school mascot is a gaymecock”

    lol. Funny.

  6. FaTboY says:

    I’ve been to Charlston twice. It’s a good place to learn about our history.

    It’s a spot downtown, I was told, they used to trade slaves there fresh off the boat.

    It couldn’t get past all the accents the black folks had down there. They geechi as hell.

  7. Apollo Moses says:

    Don’t be talking slick about the S.C. aint shid gay about it. Just broke as hell, with county unemployment rates topping 13 percent…we shootin bad out here since manufacturing jobs went to the sweatshops overseas. When in need of $$$ some folks try to hustle anyone even teh ghey. Besides your greatest granddaddy might’ve been born here… and my state school mascot is a mufukn Bulldog!!!

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