Just Living The Dream…


Y’all fools can laugh if you want.

How many of y’all wake up every morning and eat out two sweet white chicks?

Yeah, I didn’t think so.


11 Responses to “Just Living The Dream…”

  1. whats in the ceral – botox?

  2. “How many of y’all wake up every morning and eat out two sweet white chicks?”

    that would be fucking dope!

  3. Enigmatik says:

    it’s all good til you get around their folks…

  4. Candice says:

    Its all good going down but trust me….you’ll pay for it later.

  5. CeezDiem says:

    Insert “Pink Box” joke here

  6. 40 says:

    Oh… you were talking about cereal. Milky cereal…

    Hey the mere symbolic allusion works for me…

    (I was expecting Blu Cheez to pop up next to the box!)

  7. Amadeo says:

    Is the brunette the friend she keeps next to her so she can always look better by comparison.

  8. Enigmatik says:

    the brunette is actually the one who’s freak game is about 5 notches higher than the blond

  9. 40 says:

    ^The brunette is the freak, but the blonde will bumrush the end of the set for the money shot.

  10. Tiffany says:

    Enjoy it now, this is limited. Eat all you can.

  11. UBRINGMEJOI says:

    wow, what will they think of next?!

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