The MLB Diamond Loses Its Value…


This season found us paying homage to the greatness of KEN GRIFFEY Jr. and NYC native, the magnificent MANNY RAMIREZ. By the time this season is over we will be watching both of them perform for different ballclubs than when the season began. These two players are a sure-shot first ballot lock to be voted into the Hall of Fame. Why in the world would the teams that hold their contracts want to move them?

This was an economic fire sale by the owners in the MLB. If it were just GRIFFEY Jr. and MANNY then maybe we could call that a contract year coincidence, but when you see all kinds of big name all-star talent get shifted around the league you realize that none of these owners wants to pay the piper. ALEX RODRIGUEZ’s Yankee deal is forcing other teams to dig deep into their pockets (read: profits) as the time to renew some of their big tickets draw near.

I think its a fucked up statement to the fans that have rooted for these players for five to ten years as a member of their respective home teams to now have to decide whether they remain loyal to a player who has brought them excitement or an organization that is only considering their bottom line. It wasn’t just the players who were using the cream and the clear. Since 1996 the MLB’s attendance and profits have been swole like they used the whole box of HGH on their accounting ledgers. Now that the kibosh has come down on their drug party everyone except the Yankees is acting broke.

Bullshit, the whole argument about big market small market teams. Wherever a ballclub exists it receives a windfall of subsidies from the local government. Shit like free real estate to build their stadiums, most of which are unoccupied for more than 3/4ths of the year. There’s usually free infrastructure development to facilitate the fans delivery to these ballparks. Fuck the MLB owners and their mini-fiefdoms fed off the public dole. That shit is called welfare by everyone except the cowards. At least a mother with three children living in the ‘hood wouldn’t charge me $8 for a bottle of beer.

The racist apologist JERRY SEINFELD has said some funny things. One of those lines goes something like this, “Baseball players change teams so often that I feel like I’m rooting for a piece of laundry.” He was fucking right. The shit that really pisses me off though is that I now have to buy another fucking baseball jersey.

willie red

13 Responses to “The MLB Diamond Loses Its Value…”

  1. Nice drop. I’m sure I’m losing my mind but I think Manny would make a great addition to Los Amazins for next season. Plus they need to drop Alou like a decent MC from Aftermath.

  2. 40 says:

    Cosign on this… but as I’ve always felt so goes America, so goes their past time. the free market system of MLB will eventually lead to an official NAFTA league with teams being outsourced…

    Wish the Mets got Manny…

    Dallas I got those Dunks… I WANT THEM SOCKS!!!!!!!!

  3. R.Diddy says:

    Son them socks is lookin kinda nupey..(for those that don’t know like some shit the kappa alpha psi aka the kings of greek swag would rock)…co sign to the tenth being a native of the nasty ‘ is a sad day in baseball

  4. Dart_Adams says:

    Guess whose sad and wondering if he’s even gonna use his Red Sox tickets for the rest of the year? Me. Good luck in LA, Manny. Get your money cuz you deserve it.

    (Real) Boston heads ride with Manny Ramirez. Word to the two World Series trophies he helped bring here.


  5. Hey Dallas

    i gave youa shout out on my new song ….

    Check it ut by clicking the name ….

  6. henry says:

    can you believe that a-rods salary is higher then a couple of teams whole payroll

  7. Dart_Adams says:

    One of our mutual favorite animators Ralph Bakshi gave a great answer to a question when he was @ Comic-Con. Here it is:


  8. jp says:

    Well in Manny case he forced the trade because he didn’t want his option picked up so he can go out and make more money.

  9. the_dallas says:

    Manny wanted to be paid A-Rod money and Boston didn’t want to come up off that gwap.

    Boston lost in my opinion. Manny wins. A-Rod gets sprung by washed up hoo-erres.

  10. summer says:

    why’d you call seinfeld “the racist apologist?”

  11. jp says:

    If Manny wanted to be paid A-Rod money the Red Sox are right not to pay it to him. Manny is 36, in a non-roided baseball world thats when the sluggers go south. A-Rod is 32 the Yankees still got some prime years left, although it’s not crazy A-Rod could start having some injuries(see his leg probably that cost him 6 weeks this year). Plus although Manny numbers are still great, they have slightly gone down in the last three years. It’s not like Manny didn’t make $160M over that last 8 years. The Red Sox are notorious for generally buying prime years only. See Damon, Pedro, etc, although they did throw a lot of money at Varitek for no reason. It’s smart policy for using your resources economically. You can’t pay Manny $20M to be a shadow of himself in 2012 and still compete with the Yankees, the young scrappy Rays, and teams that do have some money in Baltimore and Toronto.

  12. the_dallas says:

    The fact that Manny has won games, even while at Cleveland and Alex has not should have been a factor to Boston. He isn’t looking for an eight year deal. He is looking for a four year deal. Boston owes him that much. Instead of using their paid flacks from the Boston Globe and the Herald to act like Manny was some clubhouse cancer.

    Every 80 years or so the ownership/management of the Red Sox decides to shit on the people that make them world champions

  13. jp says:

    I agree Boston is not smelling good here either. Leaking the thing with the traveling secretary is low. But I disagree that they owe him a four year deal. They paid him for a ton for 8 years and he produced well for them and helped them win two WS. That was the contract, Boras and Manny now can’t change that. Manny agreed to those options because they benefited him in 2000. A man stands by his prior commitments even when they are disadvantageous to him today.

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