gbm bday

Two years go a revolution in the broadcasting of ideas was begun. This was the birth of the Ghetto Big Mac video. Since then RAFI, CAS and I have had the great fortune of making videos for the world that describe how we see our surroundings.

Ghetto Big Mac always makes me laugh because it is so ridiculous. Just don’t tell that to all the people that are still leaving comments on the YouTube thread.

RAFI and I have a whole lot more Big Macs to eat if we are ever gonna catch this dude.

The i.C.’s film ‘Checkmate’ will be screened on Friday evening as part of Rooftop Films New York Non-Fiction series. The screening will be on the rooftop of the Open Road High School for the Arts. All proceeds from the screening will go to the school and funding their arts programs. Admission is nine bucks and afterwards you can drink your admission up in free swill at Fontana’s.

Here are the details from Rooftop’s own website. Come thru.


  1. Ninoy Brown says:

    Don’t know if you already answered this, but did you guys intentionally make the length of the video 4 minutes and 20 seconds?

  2. Big Homie says:

    When I worked at McDonalds back in the day I stayed creating my own sandwiches. I stayed using the Big Mac sauce. (Thousand Island dressing)

    I took the steak that we used for our steak and cheese bagel for breakfast. I put that shit on the grill with onion, green peppers and tomatos. Let that shit sit for a minute then throw on the amercan cheese for about 30 seconds. Toast the bun (pause) put some Big Mack Sauce on that shit and whaala.

    I stay getting the dollar double cheese burgers with the Big Mac sauce added or I get them plain and just put bbq sauce on them.

  3. 40 says:

    Big Homie…

    When I worked at McDowell’s my joint was making a Big Mac with Quarter Pounder Patties… Which if you ask me is the way it should be done son!

  4. Word Is Bawn! Deviatin’ from the menu,heh?I’m pressing charges on all you cats!

  5. nerditry says:

    @BigHomie : I have never had my digestive system rocked like the morning I tried that Steak + Cheese Bagel. Honest word, had to leave work about an hour after eating it with stomach cramps and an air raid siren talking about kamikazes in my drawers.

    I’d like to see a chicken sandwich made out of a giant nugget with that hot mustarrrrrrd.

  6. Cheryl Lynn says:

    Chick-fil-A is the only fast food joint I’ll still go in. I try to eat healthy, but those waffle fries are like crack.

  7. Meka Soul says:

    the ghetto big mac > the luther burger. and i don’t even eat mcdonald’s like that anymore.

  8. the_dallas says:

    ^^ Yeah, that was a great look from the AV Club.

    i.C.’s is the movement that you need to get in tune with.

  9. P-Matik says:

    I.C.’s run it all day!

  10. P-Matik says:

    And Checkmate is that realness! Everyone needs to see it!!

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