Plots Thicken Whilst Belts Tighten…

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Just when you think the U.S. economy is already fucked the fuck up enough more bad news comes own the pipe.

Economy Sailing Into Rougher Waters

I love that economists are just now figuring this shit out. Do these dumbasses ever come from out of their parent’s basements? The U.S. economy has been in a precipitous decline for over a decade and the economists haven’t said shit. When the Dot Com boom was busting these humps kept tight lipped until it was too late. When ENRON was playing three card monty with their accounting ledgers the economists just acted like co-defendant shills. If General Motors or Ford or Chrysler flops we will be looking at double digit unemployment.

And when I say we I mean the imperial ‘we’ which is to say white. Black folks have already been knee deep in double digit unemployment ever since emancipation. How will our nation respond to the fact that no one is allowed to retire any longer? I like overhearing the conversations that happen on the commuter rail but I also know well enough not to interject my opinions into these people’s train of thoughts. Most white go their entire lives without ever examining the lies they believe as truth. The conversation went like this…

White #1: I like Obama and I voted for him.

White #2: You didn’t even vote.

White #1: I would have, but in New York it doesn’t even matter.

White #2: I voted for McCain. Obama will raise taxes.

White #1: You don’t make that much money.

White #2: And if I did he would raise my taxes.

Guess what Shit-4-Brains?!? Your taxes were raised the day we started dropping bombs on Afghanistan. The moment we sent troops into Iraq your taxes were also raised by proxy. So to make the complaint that Democratic presidents are the ones that raise taxes is of course a typically underdeveloped idea. The Republican led administration that has set up the $10B per month Iraqi rebuilding program raised your taxes six years ago. Now that there is a new administration in office the bill is coming to the table. Too bad that your dumb ass forgot that your ordered this shit eight years ago.

Now you are getting your just desserts.

5 Responses to “Plots Thicken Whilst Belts Tighten…”

  1. big rils says:

    To my way of thinking, there were only three reasons to vote for McCain this year, and they boil down to this:

    – stupidity
    – racism
    – selfishness

    The worst part is that the ones that voted based on selfishness, as showed stupidity, as McCain was not out to make things easier on the 99% of us. And some of the racists were even smart enough to vote for Obama. What I am saying is:

    We have a lot of stupid goddamn people in this country.

  2. …and that’s why I voted Dallas Penn 4 President of the iNTERNETS.

  3. teran says:

    “Most white go their entire lives without ever examining the lies they believe as truth.”

    WOW…have you ever heard of white privilege……oh it exists.

    I know what it means to be a single black mother, we talk about it amongst girlfriends. Gurl this and , Gurl that BUT when is the last time you overheard white men talk about being white……
    About not being pulled over…..About getting the job and NOT being qualified……about being expected to have higher education…..about actually being judge by your very own peers.

    It will begin if white men and women will just talk about some of the privileges they have (some unconsciously) enjoyed.
    Just like Chris Rock said….He made 15 movies, and over 90 million dollars to move into the house and neighborhood he lives in, and his neighbor is an dentist……GO FIGURE

  4. Mark Dub says:

    That’s why I love your posts, DP [ll]. You’re funny as hail, but this is as honest and accurate an assessment as I’ve read. Kudos, brother.

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