steve harvey

EMBRY, you’se a fool for this one.

7 Responses to “SEPARATED AT BIRTH: Iron Chic…”

  1. Jdotnicholas says:

    I was always wondering when Steve Harvey was gonna lose that ‘MY DAD HAS A HIGH TOP FADE’ look, but now I wish he had it back.

  2. Always thought Steve Harvey looked more like Gordon from Sesame Street…or what I remember Gordon from Sesame Street looking like.

  3. DirtyJerz says:

    HA!…Word Is Bawn!

  4. nerditry says:

    That high top fade used to take your attention away from old shiny-suit’s grill.

  5. twerkolator says:

    why the fuck is he orange?

    also, DP when you are going to do the A-alike with Max B and Sherman Hemsley?

    “ol’ George Jefferson looking-ass nigga!!!!!!”

  6. DirtyJerz says:

    That nigra got on bronzer like George Hamilton!!

  7. a-one says:

    once you reach a certain age you should keep your shirt on. even if you recently started working out & you’re proud

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