Police = 1 >>> Black Males = 0


It’s bad enough that Black males are killing each other like “new sunglasses” a.k.a. the trend that NEVER goes out of style, there is still the lynchpin of supremacy that they have to worry about i.e. police brutality.

Here’s a clip of a young Black teenager (no Kamron) being cuffed and then shot in the back of the head like they do to animals in third world countries like New Orleans parish.
Video: KTVU.com

I don’t know what it is to be a parent, but I can imagine that this kid’s parents are all fucked the fuck up right now. My dad used to HATE for me to go out on the streets on New Year’s Eve. Partly because he knew I knew how to find trouble, and mostly because he knew that the world didn’t care about anyone. Do you think that police who shot this kid in the back cared about his family and how they would feel when they identified their child’s body at the county morgue?

Peep that video one more time and spot how the officer standing on the kid’s neck has to jump out of the way so that he doesn’t catch hot lead either. The shooter didn’t even give a fuck about his partner. That is the realest video I have seen since the beating of RODNEY KING. It reminds me of how zealous and reckless the police were when they threw fifty bullets at SEAN BELL.

I’m not even going to bother learning the name of the Black kid that was murdered. I don’t feel like investing my brain space on this dead kid. Since he was born a so-called Black he was born to die. That is how supremacy works. Happy new year to everyone that isn’t this dude’s parents. Wash, rinse and repeat.

35 Responses to “Police = 1 >>> Black Males = 0”

  1. LM says:

    Why I come here first. This happened three days ago and I hadn’t seen or heard a peep about this. Not sure I could be as composed as the family’s attorney came off.

  2. nevets says:

    damn damn damn… usa can eat a dick.

  3. http://hiphopfrequency.com

    We need to recognize who the true enemy is and stop fighting those who should be our allies.

    HipHop is Alive

  4. Combat Jack says:

    That’s why I give props to Barack for keeping it really real on 60 minutes. When asked whether he was worried about getting his cap peeled as the 1st Black POTUS, he responded that Black men in general have just as much a chance of getting murked by just going to the gas station.

  5. krash1 says:

    dam……idk what to say.

  6. Karl Eburne says:

    Sometimes, there just ain’t enough words….

    There are some things that won’t change just because Barack Obama’s the President.

  7. So this guy is on paid leave pending an investigation, right? Fuck the crooked cops.

  8. P-Matik says:

    That’s why I try to stay away from police officers as far as possible.

  9. Big Homie says:

    I did not hear nothing about this. That is crazy and the video footage is disturbing.

  10. rafi says:

    Horrible and tragic.

    On a lighter note, what’s up with the attorney in the football sweatshirt?

  11. Kiana says:

    We probably didn’t hear about this story when it happened because police were trying so hard to snatch up everyone’s cameras that day. The person that turned in one of those videos is scared shitless and won’t identify themselves. I don’t blame them.

    And, it’s easy to not think about this kids name when there are so many like him. Wish we could be happy that it’s on tape so retribution could be handed out, but I’m sure the system will find another way to let the cops of the hook. They’re already trying to say he meant to reach for his taser =/

  12. Laurie Farmer says:

    NOT TRUE!!!!
    The picture is ACTUALLY of a bank robber in NIGERIA.
    Someone is playing games with you guys.
    I will post the original picture.

  13. Coqui says:

    ^ fuck the pic, the vid is from a news station. Its legit. Didnt this just happen in greece? And what happened there? Hmmm…

  14. 40 says:

    Just a friendly game of baseball…

    I just wonder what this guy’s “excuse” is? Resisting arrest? Reached for my gun? Poorly lit area? He “made a move”? I seriously don’t see any of the gray areas that can even dispute firing off one in this kids melon.

    The Diesel is officially squaring up and staying home to watch HGTV with his boo and ordering kicks on line.

  15. realness says:

    stop doing this please , stop trying to turn people into victims you piece of shit.

  16. the_dallas says:

    ^ The only victim here is the police officer who can’t tell internal affairs cops that the kid had a gun or some other shit. This cop is gonna have to deal with the fact that he lynched a kid on broadcast television. He’ll be a hero in some provonces.

  17. pana says:


  18. regardless of where it happened, it’s still fucked up and tragic

    and I’d rather not watch the clip.

    treated like a worthless animal….handcuffed AND outnumbered.

    so typical of coward-ass peckerwoods

  19. R. Diddy says:

    Co sign Combat…sad…on a side note…white folks, Jew and Gentile, Black folk, men and women are already getting worked up over Barry’s actions and he hasn’t even been able to send his lil girls off to fucking school yet..so I can see the Klan’s loading magic bullets and waiting for the right parade…

  20. mercilesz says:

    What is all this astonishment? Do yall live here or are yall foreigners? USA! USA! USA!

  21. the snow donkey says:

    # realness Says:
    January 5th, 2009 at 9:22 pm

    stop doing this please , stop trying to turn people into victims you piece of shit.
    Fuck yaself- this dude worked as a butcher, and has a family. Read the account, how can you argue this man/father was not a victim?

    the real victims are anyone who lives under the BART jurisdiction….

  22. Laurie Farmer says:

    Here is the link to the same picture in a Nigerian newspaper but with more pictures of the same robber.


    Take the time to register and you will be be able to access the link.

    I know racism is rampant but does anyone have to resort to creating fake incidents in order to prove that USA is racist ?

  23. Laurie Farmer says:

    The incident too place in NIGERIA not the USA.
    Wake up Black people !!! Obama did.

  24. Laurie Farmer says:

    Here is a links from a NIGERIAN newspapers that do not require you to regsiter:


  25. Dj RaYz says:

    Holy shit! This was in Oakland! I don’t trust the BART pollice for shit!

    DP when you come to the Bay, we are going to be driving, effff that ruthless getting shot point blank from behind type shit!

    I am totally shocked!

  26. just read something on sfgate.com about this. the story may be that this BART cop was reaching for his taser, accidentally grabbed his fucking glock, didn’t realize his mistake until he had already shot this guy. bullet went into his lower back, bounced off the ground, and hit him in the lung, which is what killed him. the fucking ricochet.

    it’s tempting for me to believe dude just so that i don’t lose all faith in humanity, but this shit sounds so fucking ridiculous.

  27. the_dallas says:

    Laurie Farmer the supremacist apologist is spamming me.

    Mr. PW,
    I believe that officer knew the difference between his gun and his taser but he wanted to remove a Black dude from the planet for giving him backtalk and proclaiming his innocence when that Black dude knew damn well he was a Black dude.

  28. jaislayer says:

    It does not matter. This kid is already on the ground face down and HAND FUCKING CUFFED. One officer has his knee on the kids neck so he can control him (Control Tactics). I do not know what is going thru that other cops head, but from what I can see he had NO BUSINESS going to his holster for anything. Some people are saying the kid had a gun on him. It still does not matter, he was already cuffed, on the ground and surrouned by police officers, he was no longer a threat and under control. The police have rules, you are justified to shoot your gun at a suspect when you feel your life is in danger. Suspect has a gun in his hand pointed at you, you can shoot him. Suspect has a knife in his hand and he lunges at you, you can shoot him. Suspect is beating your ass, you can shoot him to save yourself. I didn’t see anything like that in the video. Bottom line is those officers FUCKED UP!!! Most of these cops are scared shitless everyday they go to work. They really feel like BLACK MALES have the potential to be dangerous or they are carrying a weapon with the intend to harm someone. I think it is apart of the culture to be afraid of the black male. The are some white & black police officer who can’t relate to the young black male at all. When they see us, they don’t see Will Smith, Barack Obama or a young American. They see a criminal, gangsta, thug, hustler or a dumb ass rapper wannabe. The last thing they are thinking about is that you may be a husband, father, brother to a family that loves you. That you are someone important in your community who takes care of his family or just a dude minding his own business. I don’t know why this keeps happening to us. This doesn not happen to young White males. They get the benefit of the doubt even when they are wrong. Why is that?There is no sensitivity training that can train you to treat people right. You have to be raised to have respect for all people Black, Latin, Asian, White or whatever. People take care of yourselves, repsect others and respect yourself. DP sorry for the long rant, but that video is so wrong. Those cops are so wrong. I really feel for the young mans family. People stay safe. Peace.

  29. Vee says:

    Just watching some footage of the incident.

    There’s really not much you can do when you’re face down on the ground with one officer’s knee at your neck and another in a dominant position on your back. According to experts the difference between a gun and a taser is like apples and oranges. I assume the simply feel differently and have a different shapes. It is difficult to call the situation life-threatening when all the men apprehended appeared cooperative.

    I’m sure many are familiar with the blue wall of silence but I’m wondering if any police officers will stand up and condemn this as an criminal act, at least a gross error of judgement, or a fatal mistake. That would surprise me.

    I will not be surprised if they (BART police department or the media) attempt to discredit Oscar Grant in some fashion. As the saying goes, dead men tell no tales.

    More information and other videos

  30. to clarify, i wasn’t defending the cop, or saying his story sounds likely. i was just passing along the BS i read.

    like i said, hearing the alternative (read: more likely) explanations, his story is comforting. just saying, which do you think we’ll be told in the end?

  31. Vee says:

    As with all cases involving police violence, use of a deadly firearm to defend yourself in a life threatening situation . . . there’s always another story, another perspective. THIS particular has more than ONE video footage with several witness.

    I’m not outraged because I understand the dynamics involved. This is America, right.

    I’m waiting to hear the official explanation and eventual conclusion. Will there be a criminal trial for gross negligent use of deadly firearm by an officer of the law? Or will this be ruled as a professional mistake?


    “You know, my bad, I’m sorry for your loss.”

    “I was just trying to use my taser on your son”

    “He was struggling a little bit so I just wanted him to calm down. You know he just wouldn’t stop yapping.”

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