School’s Out In Gaza…

gaza baby

Some of the schoolkids in Gaza lucked out and got to go on vacation early.

Too bad for some of these kids it was a permanent vacation.

gaza baby

gaza baby

gaza baby

gaza baby

gaza baby

17 Responses to “School’s Out In Gaza…”

  1. Boing_Dynasty says:

    What the fuck dude, atleast wait till after lunch to post this shit.

  2. 911 says:


  3. Gee says:

    You are SO wrong, but SO right.
    I say we round up some of the boat pirates and toss their asses in the mix..

  4. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Dallas, These photos should be on the cover of every so called, lame ass, Hip Hop magazine in the world and the cover of all these bs newspapers. Make a copy of them and show them to the next a hole that whines about “The Holocaust”. I know a survivor of the German death camps and this is the same thing over again. The original victims doing the same ish to others. But lest you feel I am anti-anyone, where are the Arab League, the big money, oil rich Saudis, where are all the Arab Muslims, Arab Leaders, Arab Sheiks, even the Black American Muslims, the oil cartels?
    Why is there not a global economic boycott of the Israeli state. Where are all the hypocritical, liberal politrickians who rant about Democracy, freedom and justice, yet are deadly silent when it come to Israel (Is It Real). And why did Hamas try to bomb Is it real? Are they nuts or just hungry for their share of the 72 virgins in the afterlife? How do we organize, create and galvanize a Hip Hop Boycott, a Hip Hop reaction to genocide? a Hip Hop response to war crimes. Bless you DP for this drop, now if all your bitch ass brothers and sisters in Hip Hop would put down their spliffs for a minute and be heard we might just make a difference. Peace, Ernie

  5. Combat Jack says:

    I appreciate this as much as I do not appreciate this. Thank you for further bringing to light.

  6. Marvelous Mo says:

    Censorship in the United States at its best. They would NEVER show some shit like this on tv or in it’s news papers. Travel to other countries and they get gully with the images.

    Nobody is going to care because they don’t see the TRUE damage that’s happening in a totally different country. I bet if that child’s head was on the front page of the NY Daily News and those extra crispy kids were on the NY Post niggas would be OUTRAGED… probably more so at the fact that they would promote such a hideous image that has been hidden for decades than the point of developing emotions against the genocide that goes on no where near us.

    Gotta co-sign with CJ’s 1 liner.

    Peace yall.

  7. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Ever notice how a blonde haired, blue eyed missing child takes over the headlines for weeks at a time while a nappy haired dark skin girl never makes it in any paper anywhere? Imagine if all the kids in the photos were “cute and cuddly”, blonde haired and white skinned, the American outrage would be awesome. As the saying goes “You can never get justice on stolen land” and remember this massacre is akin to South Africa, to Wounded Knee and a thousand such events that were done to Native People in this land and this hemisphere from Chile to Nicaragua to Mexico to South Dakota. Peace, Ernie

  8. Candice says:

    As disturbing as this is to look at….it needs to be shown and talked about. We vilified Michael Vick for dog abuse, make celebrities out of people that kill their kids (Kaylee’s story is on Nancy Grace all day long), read US Weekly to find out what celebrities are wearing and order daily Caramel Macchiato’s for $5 bucks a pop while kids are losing their heads and being burned to cinders in other countries.

    We don’t need our news uncensored. We need to wake the eff up and understand what’s really hood in the world. Americans need a reality check. Even with a recession, our lives are gravy.

    Thanks for sharing this despite the gruesome nature. It helps to keep my head out of the sand and the clouds.

  9. Combat Jack says:

    What’s really sad, and i’m not subscribing to it but somehow, I feel Israel’s current genocidal moves against Palestine will recreate another unfortunate global wave of anti-semitic sentinments, which we really do not need. Cause and effect, however, is strict.

  10. VEe! says:

    I actually understand and agree with Combat Jack’s first comment. I appreciate this as much as I do not appreciate this.
    I really don’t want to see these images but folks need to know what this conflict really looks like.

  11. It is a shame that there are those that feel that ALL life does not matter.

  12. mercilesz says:

    CJ arabs and israelis are both semites. its just that jewish people have somehow taken over or colonized the term to mean only them. however we do NEED a LIL bit mORE ANTI-ZIONISM in this world today.

  13. Mr.Londoner says:

    this ninja still not giving warnings.. i still cant forget that pic of the jamaican chick decapitated

  14. dyasf says:

    wtf nigga

  15. tmoneybags says:

    more children among gaza dead

    brave palestinian girl tries to block israelli soldier from shooting

  16. mike says:

    May God forgive us all… God bless you for bringing light to darkness. The wicked shall manifest themselves in the end. Obama where you at?

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