guitar hero

My homey NIK from Australia sends us some pics of one of the newest acquisitions to his collection.

I called these joints the ‘Guitar Hero’ Terminators for obvious reasons.

These joints are definitely rock star ready.

guitar hero

guitar hero

guitar hero

guitar hero

11 Responses to “SNEAKER FIENDS UNITE!”

  1. king blair says:

    Fresh kicks take that bGAZA shit down no illdoctrine

  2. Che Guerrilla says:

    Straight crack!

  3. the_dallas says:

    I love the smell of bar-b-cue babies as much as any settler in Sderot but enough is enough already. Lets watch some cartoons or some shit.

  4. Saw those on the last SFU tour in that place in your old neighborhood. I love Terminators but couldn’t quite pull the trigger on those. A little too much flair for me. But the more I look, I’m becoming intrigued. Indecision.

  5. the_dallas says:

    I need to put that video up from the last SFU. I didn’t remember those but I don’t check for Terminators either. You def have to be on your rock star ish when you sport these.

  6. Smear says:

    I just couldn’t do it.

  7. Pinky says:

    thanks for puttin me up again dP, i picked up these on a mad sale tip…rockstar!! well i am a club DJ so i will rock them out for sure!!

  8. Sarasota Sam says:

    What is up with these kids down in Australia. Everytime I pop up on here some kids “down under” killin it with the show game.

  9. Sarasota Sam says:

    Show game = Shoe game

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