Koch Records, Kill Yo’ Self!


I wondered aloud @ XXL if Koch Records was really the Def Jam Records that I remembered from my youth when the homey DJ DaddyMack hit me up on the Twitter that Koch Records had gone and killed they self.

Actually, they have dissolved themselves into their parent corporation. This can’t be good news. There was supposed to be a gang of records dropping under Koch including the homey Joell Ortiz’ latest joint. I think they were holding something from Slim Thug, Alchemist, Havoc and a D-Block project as well.

This fucked the fuck up economy is taking niggas out while they sleep like an Israeli helicopter gunship. It’s a good thing for Jim Jones that he stays wearing that 1929 soupline hobo swagger hairline. He might be the only cat that can weather this economic storm.


2 Responses to “Koch Records, Kill Yo’ Self!”

  1. nerditry says:

    Is Jones always sweaty? Every picture looks like he just got out of spinning class en route to a deuce.

  2. Gee says:

    “he stays wearing that 1929 soupline hobo swagger hairline. He might be the only cat that can weather this economic storm.”….

    I think I may have just peed on myself…You are absolutely certifiable…ps. I love Alchemist!

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