From Gay-Rod To A-Roids…

ghey rod

Assholes like ALEX RODRIGUEZ and ROGER CLEMENS are totally predictable. The only thing these dudes care about is their legendary status. They could give two shits about their wives or their families. The wives might as well be groupies and the kids would be better off putting a pen in their hand and asking for an autograph.

Do you remember when Ghey-Rod and his wife were about to split up because he had totally moved out and shacked up with Madonna? Ghey-Rod didn’t give a shit who knew or how they felt. He told all of us haters to go fuck ourselves [ll]. Look how contrite his phony baloney ass becomes now that his iconic status and history in the game of baseball is in jeopardy from the sportswriters.

The sportwriters determine who enters the Hall of Fame and who is allowed to continue to trade up on their athletic exploits long after the playing days have ended. The sportswriters are the everlasting hype machine. They make the final decision on how and when the music will fade away.

I say fuck the sportswriters too. Those fucks act like athlete’s infidelity to their spouses isn’t news and doesn’t somehow correlate to the athlete as a person or a player. In 2003 sleeping with someone who wasn’t your wife WAS cheating, but using steroids was not (technically). A-Rod is a cheater Yankees fans, and you know what else? A-Rod is a loser. Ghey Rod couldn’t hold Manny Ramirez’ piss cup.

ghey rod

12 Responses to “From Gay-Rod To A-Roids…”

  1. Vee says:

    For the most part, America is using and abusing Advil, painkillers, stress relief drugs, our last President used cocaine, current President smokes cigarettes, there’s Viagra, we drink alcohol and we still get behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle, we’re happy on E, crack kills, creating out own Meth labs, OxyContin, Vicodin, drugs to subdue ADHD, not to mention that many celebrated entertainers publicly admit to abusing drugs and alcohol and some succomb to death from overdose . . . and so on.

    Sports Illustrated* has the gall to say A-Rod is smarter than Barry Bonds for coming clean. WOW. Whatever. I understand that A-Rod publicly apologized but if he had a chance, would he do it all over again. I say yes, just like many professional athletes and high school and collegiate athletes.
    I wonder what Rush Limbaugh has to say about A-Rod?

    *The title of the Sports Illustrated article “A-Rod proves clutch again in crisis” . . . source:

    Nah, I’m not a big baseball fan. A-Rod’s legacy will continue to thrive because this will in no way affect the Yankees financial obligation to him. He wins. Yeah, sports-writers, journalist, bloggers, etc. . . . f*ck them too. These same guys were jocking Sosa and Mark McGuire but never talked about testing for drugs after a game or those monumental home-run seasons?? F*CK OUTTA HERE!!!

  2. Vee says:

    . . . at least the State Athletic Commissions test for drugs after most combat sports. I know its scrutinized in MMA.

    What does it look like in baseball and football? You can not tell him offensive and defensive linemen don’t need a little extra edge to deal with the pressure. There’s a little more than pain-killers in their system.


    A-ROD is a true modern American sports athlete, in every sense of the word.

  3. Amadeo says:

    I want the fuck who asked Obama about A-Rod during his press conference to be strung up…all the shit going on and the first chance to ask the president a question…and you ask about A-Rod?

  4. 40 says:

    I’m even more entertained by all of this because with in days of Barry hitting 756, ESPN was all about how A-Rod is gonna hit 800 and shatter the “tainted record”.

    Jokes on you jack… (*sax break*)


  5. Vee says:

    So we’re agreed the blame, the real culprit is the media!!

    The media!!!

  6. Che Guerrilla says:

    I’m glad he’s not a Met. See what happens when your a jerk who does not have a humble bone in your body.

    It’s a horrible thing. I don’t even believe that it only happened from 01-03. I think he still juices. I believe it because he always runs out of steam at the end of the season and in the postseason.

    I wish Ken Griffey remained healthy throughout his career because his legacy is no where tainted.

    LETS GO METS, Lets get Manny!

  7. Polotron says:

    I’d bet good $$$ Manny dabbled….


  8. Polotron says:

    Also, A-Rod didn’t come clean…he was forced to. And then his PR team went to work: “Naive”? Are you kidding me? ‘Roids have been around baseball since I stepped up from little league. You can’t go to Duane Reade and pick them up. You knew exactly what the hell you were doing. It’s like saying you were naive after getting busted for puffing trees. But he still might be smarter than BB…

    The only one that came clean was Canseco…and we saw the media treatment he got. We can’t still think the ones that got/get caught are the only users. 100+ names still on a list…did they even test everyone?

  9. the_dallas says:

    All I know is that is Manny had one drop of dirty blood the Boston press would have been like sharks in the water.

    Keep in mind that the Red Sox are owned by the The Boston Herald and if they could have thrown Manny under the bus they would have.

    I’m not saying he didn’t fux with anything to keep his wood up [ll]

  10. pasta padre says:

    im totally with poltron…….X= the circumferience of rentablehippo..

  11. Polotron says:

    “if they could have thrown Manny under the bus they would have.”

    Absolutely…but only if they could spare Big Papi, Varitek, Pedro, and who the hell knows else. Ok maybe not Pedro but you see where I’m going here…

    Like Alex dry-snitched, it was(/is?) a culture. Funny is Alex copping to the Texas years (‘cuz that’s the sample they have) when you know he was on before that (when was that again Jose?) to get that first monster contract.

    Scott Boras probably has a team working in the next super serum as we speak.

  12. chief racka says:

    I’m with 40 ^ on this one.. Wrote a blog about it wanna hear it, here it go:
    (shamless plug)

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