lou bond

Let this song play out while you are doing what you do on the late night tip.

Let that single tear run down your cheek too, unless you are a fucking robot and I don’t mean a sex machine I mean a stinking, fucking, emotionless computer.

Even a Cylon could feel the pain in this shit.

11 Responses to “WORD IS BOND!”

  1. mxdprodigy says:

    All DAY! This was sampled on Prodigy’s HNIC and I’ve been looking for the source. Thanks a lot DP. The track goes hard

  2. SkoobALoop says:

    wow, just listened to the whole track, dudes got soul

  3. king blair says:

    I didn’t know Che Guevara had a album out

  4. Bob says:


    check this out: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=99761042

    great NPR write-up by SAUL WILLIAMS entitles Songs As Weapons.

    Includes the great Lou Bond track you featured on this drop.

  5. DirtyJerz says:

    Word. Is. Bawn.
    This joint will def put you in that zone.

  6. the_dallas says:

    Thx for that Saul Williams link. He is one of my heroes and I appreciate that he feels this track and Welcome To The Terrordome as much as I do. He lists a Fela track as well as Hendrix’ music too. This was the perfect way for me to start off my week.

  7. Gee says:

    This is almost as righteous as Isaac Hayes’ They want to be close to you” This is a hit. I wish i could copy this to my pod!

  8. Candice says:

    Lou Bond…..this is what it means to make the song cry (not that whiny azz Keith Sweat type of crying either). Great drop.

  9. VEe says:

    I am currently listening to this track at 12:30am.
    I plan on listening to it again and again. This is that perfect night time vibe, drawing, planning, doing my push-ups music.

  10. DealsGoneBad says:


  11. PRStar says:

    Was tryin to find this album at the cd store like the ideot i am, went back on the internets and found it at wegotrecords.blogspot.com and they got some other nice records too… u probably already know, but jus in case…
    respect due for your posts, always fresh

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