
Still going in with this photoblog ish…

Beats & Brands had the free Ciroc for the people. Even the fools fell through. I see you Menasaur. The night started off dope like that and the Go In Brothers were in full effect. Shouts to CHAD MILLER. We had Ruffian in the building along HOBBS, Blagovelli, LowKey and a special Friday night appearance from XXL online boss CARL CHERY.

As you can imagine, the free Ciroc had folks twisted, but the party ended early and we all wondered what to do with the rest of our evening.


The Go In Brothers made an executive decision to motivate to Santos Party House. Right now Santos is the hottest shit on two wheels and that was evident by all the people that were standing on line waiting to be let in. Santos security wouldn’t let me in because I may have been too drunk already.

I needed someone with pull to zoop me in that joint. RapRadar’s ELLIOT WILSON and Village Slum’s MEL COLE both fronted on the kid. Fuck your real life celebrity status! Santos had a shitload of talent on the sidewalk so I sidewalk pimped until I got bored.


Ruffian dipped off on us when the Santos security started fronting so that left HOBBS, CARL SHERY and I. CARL being the enterprising cat he is made it inside of the party. He came back out to see if he could help HOBBS and I get in. I was too far gone to be allowed in on this night. I was starting shit with the security and just being the annoying drunk dude.

What was left of the Go In Brothers decided to go in somewhere that wanted us. We went to Sutra for Mikey Fresh’s birthday party. Sutra was packed and lively. I like this spot because they keep it underground and Hip-Hop.


The basement party room was crazy. Mikey had a gaggle of Asian girls for me too. Too bad I couldn’t partake of the menu. I’m damn near married and I had a commuter rail train to catch.


There is the 2:30am train out of Penn Station and the 4:30am joint. The latter is filled with miserable alcoholics and junkies who remind you of your despicable mortality. The 2:30am train isn’t as bad. There are mostly quiet drunks and the like. It isn’t as depressing as the 4:30am train because you still have the possibility of doing something for yourself after you wake up.

When I am on the 4:30am train I know that my following day will be smashed and incoherent. The hangover and subsequent headache are almost unbearable. So why do I do this shit? Because I am an alcoholic and a junkie. Two steps removed from a twelve step ten years ago. I stumble and tumble towards tomorrow.

But for the grace of GOD here go I…


10 Responses to “THANK GOD IT’s FRIDAY…”


    yo dallas….that has to be the hardest i’ve laughed in a minute! Are you some sort of prophet that has been sent to all the right places at the right times to capture this stuff for the world to see? you are a genius my G. “i’M NOT WOOOOOOOOOORTH ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!” LMAO. BTW, 1:31 is incredible.the sound effects went so perfectly on that it’s not funny!

  2. LM says:

    This is the stuff of legends.

    “Nice bangs by the way” LMAO

  3. the_dallas says:

    I was holding Chloe up as we went down the stairs together. I’ve been where she was at and I think I ended up lying down on the sidewalk to go to sleep while SoundWave and Polotron watched over me.

  4. LM says:

    So what happened after 2:54?

  5. the_dallas says:

    There was a fight in the main waiting area and I got some great audio but the image quality was horrible so I didn’t bother to post it

  6. PerForce1 says:

    Touch a Hand, Make a friend

  7. f says:

    Damn,Dallas aka The Biggest N.Y Stalker is searchin for a Dumbfuck…

  8. DirtyJerz says:

    Word is Bawn.. Chloe, I love you.

    DP, please tell me you got her math, B. She’s what you need at the Obamas ‘cuz no matter what, sh*tfaced white women do not get thrown outta the club…and she goes hard. She was just too futuristic for her homegirl, thats why she got on her hateful Brittney paparazzi sh*t. But you didn’t let her block your blessings, and that makes you official, B.

    Nice BangsĀ® !?!?!? ROFL…Damn if I’m not jacking that one!

  9. Bless says:

    You a fool for this one

  10. Che Guerrilla says:

    Yoooo damn F her friend for leaving her. Peace to the bang girl for mentioning the brush on her leg. WTF was that about? What kind of brush was it?

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