dandy moss

I like to watch football as much as the next guy, but I do understand the latent homosexuality contained in being upset by the underperformance of your favorite ‘tight end’. Where else can men embrace each other in skin tight pants while touching one anothers’ behinds without shame?

Now some company has taken the faggotry to the next level by creating six foot vinyl images of your favorite players that you can stick to the wall in your den or… bedroom?!?(extra JIM JONES nullus as per ByronCrawford.Com)

Dear dickheads(no homo) at FATHEAD.COM,
How about getting the rights to license the image of PARIS HILTON, HALLE BERRY, PAM ANDERSON or some really hot piece of sweet poonahnee?


This way I can come home from getting my azz reamed(more no homo) at my nine-to-five and I can kick off my shoes and have a Pink Champale with vinyl JENNIFER LOPEZ. After my fourth Champale I can kiss vinyl JENNIFER LOPEZ in the mouth while I squeeze her vinyl anatomically correct buttocks.

Just you try this with RON MEXICO and you will end up with the clap.

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