Superman Is 75 Years Old…


Bloomingdale’s hosted a little shopping event to celebrate the 75th anniversary of DC Comics. Nike’s Converse division has licensed DC characters for t-shirts ans other apparel. There were free drinks so combine that with iconic comic book lore and you know I am up in that piece.

I took a few flicks and made a little video (natch) because Bloomie’s doesn’t care if I use my handycam in their store. FUX YO’ adidas!


Look who’s hanging with the heroes? BTW, a hero ain’t nuthin’ but a sandwich. Sandwich >>>


If you copped a pair of Converse Chuck taylors you could have the Bloomie’s in-house artist ruin customize them for you free of charge.


Shouts to the other artist who was drawing caricatures of the fanboys. Too bad his reference points were all Marvel characters. #comicartistfail


Handsome Boy Modeling School on their grind and nobody is smiling.


NEAL ADAMS made it a dope comic cover and Converse made it a crappy t-shirt.

DC Comics x Bloomingdale’s NYC from dallas penn on Vimeo.

8 Responses to “Superman Is 75 Years Old…”

  1. VEe! says:

    Cool Photos – Cool Drop!

  2. CHICAGOrilla says:

    One of the reasons they didn’t have a problem with your camera is because it was considered a special event with a signiificant amount of media presence. When we have special events in store here in Atlanta at the adidas store we allow for the cameras. Furthermore the homie over G Roc over @ comes through and gets pics of our new heat to post on his site and because he has permission to do so from the store manager he’s good every time

    Hope this thing with you & adidas get resolved real soon fam. Rod Laver is missing your flare right now

  3. the_dallas says:

    G-Roc from TheShoeGame is fam. He posts my videos on his site all the time. I never get booted from shops because that isn’t how the culture is effectively maintained and I NEVER get assaulted by someone who drops dime to the police. I am thinking that chick is the norm for adidas staffers.

    You need to shake up the system before adidas loses another one

  4. Polotron says:

    I remember back in elementary school, like 3rd grade, I actually got to touch Superman #1 (albeit, encased in the thick plastic). My friend Joseph Goldman’s pops owned a copy. We had it at like $2K back then (which when you’re 10, is like $ infinity). Being a Marvel kid, I thought it was over valued. What’s that have to be valued at these days?

    I would have been burned w/ a straight up Sub Mariner #1 trade…

  5. king blair says:

    Me and the homie Big Nat went to Baltimore Comic Con last week and made out wit a ton of free swag. Wish I could go to NY con this week but I got kids to feed

  6. VEe! says:

    KING BLAIR, GOOD LOOKING . . . I didn’t even know about the Big Apple Comic Con this weekend.

  7. quimby says:

    Yo Dallas, you heard about this event? Seems like something you’d attend.

  8. the_dallas says:

    That link was gold! I hadn’t heard of the Marvelfest NYC but you can best believe I will be there to show my respect

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