CNN Is For Lou-sers…


It seems to be the new new in entertainment is indefinite leaves of absence. First Allen Iverson skips out on the Grizzlies and now CNN anchor LOU DOBBS makes it all trendy for white men to get their ‘harrumph’ on. DOBBS has taken an indefinite leave of absence from his anchor position with the cable network effective immediately.

DOBBS has been one of the people in the media forefront pushing the claim that president Barack Obama is not a US citizen. This is an interesting story because it won’t seem to die, while we haven’t heard a peep again about whether or not SARAH PALIN actually gave birth last year year before she was selected to run the Republican party into the ground.

There is some shit we are never going to know for sure and by the time we learn the truth it won’t even matter any more. By the time we had learned the truth about WMD’s in Iraq we were already up to our armpits in war. The Constitution has been trashed so thoroughly by the previous administration’s eight(8) years in office there’s only a shred left to read.

Is the president an immigrant? Aren’t we all for that matter? The only people natve to this continent are prA’li jammed up on a reservation somewhere in Montana. Oh, and yeah, the Mexicans that LOU DOBBS hates so much.

10 Responses to “CNN Is For Lou-sers…”

  1. J-Mass says:

    CNN is Fox to me.

    I gave up on CNN for good earlier this week when they found it an acceptable ratings-grabbing, Fox-like sensationalism strategy to show a countdown timer leading up to the execution of John Allen Muhammad during the Campbell Brown show.

    Was it the Super Bowl, maybe the first game of the World Series, perhaps it was New Year’s Eve? No, it was a countdown to the execution of a man. Stay classy, CNN.

    I can’t fux with you nomo.

  2. Tony Grands says:

    I fux with CNN dot com. Can’t watch the station, that way I can read between the lines, per se, if need be.

  3. Mark Dub says:

    Co-sign @ J-Mass. I stopped looking to CNN for fair news b/c they kept letting Lou Dobbs and quite a few others voice their VERY BIASED and completely unresearched opinions w/o a scrap of evidence. Good riddance.

  4. Amadeo says:

    Son…for my money I only Let Jon Stewart give me my TV news.

  5. the_dallas says:

    Fauxnews changed the game for everybody. I get my news and views off the web. Sometimes I have to fux with international sites so I can evade some of the propaganda

  6. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    1 good think about Lou Dobbs is that he was like the only dude railing against offshore outsourcing & H1-B visas, which have focked up US career opportunities in occupations targeted by the H1-B visa, such as engineering & info tech.

    Also Dobbs pointed out how illegal immigrants fock things up worse for blue collar man job market. For instance, in Katrina, to save $ the contractors staffed heavy with illegal shipped in Central American workers, & many black & white ‘Mericun New Orleans construction work-experience having dudes were fugazi. How their house just got ethered, it would be nice if these guys could at least work in their own city.

    Dobbs wasn’t smart enough to explain it this way, but Dobbs basically was a strong fighter for occupations that don’t have Politrickian Protectionism, & whose employers have focked them over via massive immigration.

    I agree the birther nonsense & some other issues Dobbs was wingnutish loco on, kinda negates the good Dobbs did, so overall I would say Dobbs is kinda meh to douchy.

  7. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    MSNBC is pretty dece. You can catch clips at their site.

    Their is a dude Dylan Ratigan who is great. I caught some clips of his on Crooks & Liars & his own msnbc site. Only dude in the Lame$tream Media to really go in on cartel industries, who are too lazy & incompetent to compete, so instead they keep their cartel status via Politrickian Protectionism. Ratigan labels these cartels/oligopolists as “Corporate Communists”. Prime examples he empasises is Wall $treet Welfare/bailout recipients, & Health Care Insurers. Also, Ratigan does not do Peter Rosenberg-ish dickriding of powerful people he interviews, like most Cable TV NewsModels do. Instead, he asks them tough questions, & if they ignore the questions to spew talking points, Ratigan graysonns/ethers these douches.

  8. Ernest (I know u know). Paniccioli says:

    Lou Dummbbs felt entitled to be a racist. He is White, Rich and speaks for a lot of his homies. Like Rush Limburger and the rest of his ilk they have raised hate to an art form and racism to a delicately versed misuse of language.
    Orwell would have squirmed at this pundit. If this story had a happy ending like him being stripped of his money, houses and cars and exiled to Mexico I would be happy, but like that other rabid maniac that left CNN for FOX or Imus he will only continue to rake in millions as he trashes people darker than him. Adios Motherfucker.

  9. $ykotic/Don McCaine says:

    Watch this guy re-surface in some political, I got the juice now like that position. There’s always a reaction from an action.

    Or that lead message sent to his house has him superiorly shook…

    BBC news or the channel gives you a great insight on American propaganda BTW.

  10. the_dallas says:

    Ernie what the deal man? Dobbs is one of those white that falls upwards like Imus and Limbaugh. I still bristle that Limbaugh wasn’t castigated for being an illegal drug addict. Especially since he was part of the cacophony that begged for lengthy sentences for recreational drug users.

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