Look At The Mess You Made…


For the last decade there has been a constant surge of propaganda aimed at demonizing Muslim peoples and culture. This all came to a magnificent crest under the G-Dubbz administration wen we all but blamed Muslims for everything sideways in this country. If someone were to look just a little deeper you could see that we all share a fondness for goat. Muslims like to eat goat on their holidays and we like to make scapegoats.

Capitalism will sometimes trip over its own feet in its rush to exploit someone’s culture for monetary gain. The lone electronics selling mega-giant Best Buy created some Black Friday ads bigging up the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha (c’mon and admit that you thought it said Al Queda, I did) and now the heartland of America is all bent out of shape because they think the terrorists are selling the good people flat screen televisions and iPods.

Nevermind that NOTHING you will buy on Black Friday will be made in America, unless you are copping something made from prison labor. Americans have had the morals and their priorities mixed up from the word go. The Muslim has become the trendy boogeyman alongside the country’s stalwart African America males and now anything that sounds remotely foreign (read: un-midwestern) has become offensive, or un-patriotic, or worse, un-American.


You made this mess starting with your mainstream media that uses all of its powers in imagery wizardry to describe to you angry, volatile people. This is on purpose and you have bought into this likeness over the past twenty years at least since the days of Ayotollah Khomeni. These images are presented to you at such a rate, along with various and inconsistent name mispellings to give you the impression that many of these angry people exist and are actively working towards your disenfranchisement.

Meanwhile, the Federal reserve is looted right under your nose. Our children’s children are conscripted to lifelong debt or worse, war with the effin’ robots.

All of this because of what?







12 Responses to “Look At The Mess You Made…”

  1. BIGNAT says:

    that is so true but all countries do that. the only thing different with this topic more countries played point the finger all at the same place. remember thanks to our governments actions we are hated in countries you never even heard of now that is some powerful shit. off to work people good day dp.

  2. Smear says:

    XXL LOST in letting you go bruh.

  3. Amadeo says:

    @ Bignat

    We are hated due to our governments actions this is true. I disagree that all governments have the ability to pull off what ours has in regards to painting a picture. The ability to go from country to country in other parts of the world is parallel to going from state to state here. It’s easier for us to believe something being so far removed from the reality of it. Case in point: it was easy for us to paint the USSR as a bad guy for so long and it pisses them off because we wipe out the entire history of their value as an ally during WWII. What made them useful then along with their differences = Commie being an insult here.

  4. It’s Carhartt suits and construction jobs–



    Amadeo, as a sidenote, one thing to remember is the U.S. + Russia was very much a marriage of convenience; there had been rabid American anti-communists since the 1917 Revolution. The great battle of the 1930s is anti-communism v. anti-fascism, tho’ fact is BOTH groups were fucking insane, as were the “Commies” (i.e. Stalinists, remember the Moscow show trials of ’36-’37) and the Nazis.

    Just about the only people who come off well then are the anarchists, who had no truck with anyone. Corporate America was THRILLED to make $$$ off anybody as long as possible– including Germany even after the war started.

    That said, it’s important to remember that many American communists did NOT realize what was really going on in the Soviet Union and they were what we’d call hardcore lefties today– the real thing, not corrupt fakeass activists like ACORN etc.

  5. Tony Grands says:

    America has the best PR campaign. Ever. Pushing of insignificant differences & harsh formalities on the lesser opponents to glorify itself. Marvelous. Hypnotizing us behind empty patriotic propoganda to keep us blind to our own malnutrition.

    “Joblessness is at an all time low, our schools are losing funding, BUT WAIT, are those terrorists over there?! Let’s get ’em!!”

    Weapons of vast destruction. Before long, the poor & uneducated will be getting the “domestic terrorist” treatment, if things continue to transpire in the direction they’re headed.

  6. 6 100 says:

    FDR said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He should have finished it with “. . .the only thing we’re going to fear is the known-unknown”

    But then again wasn’t duke named after a highway?

    People are always weary of the unknown. They are even more frightened by the unknown that they have some semblance of an idea of.

    The human imagination is a crazy thing, son. Especially when it’s given a spar

    Remember when you were scared of the dark as a little kid? Then remember that feeling after seeing the Excorcist as a 5 year old. Ok, that’s just me, but still.

    The mind plays tricks worse than Loki could sheme up. Some are more prone to that than the rest. God bless the feeble minded, though. They drag the whole world down, but make the average(e.g. Me, etc.) seem magnificent.

  7. P-Matik says:

    “Nevermind that NOTHING you will buy on Black Friday will be made in America, unless you are copping something made from prison labor.”

    Man, that’s one of the realest thangs evar!

  8. Lion XL says:

    Ok..Im bout to put a target on my back and get named a commie , a socialist or some other nasty name….BUT:

    We all need to look at the writing on the wall, and face facts, the USA is reaching its life expectancy as as a super power. If we go back and read through our history we should see a pattern of the strongest country ALWAYS reaching a pinnacle in its power and then crashing. Rome, Greece, China (who may be on the verge of round two!), they all fell eventually. And it normally is preceded by one small David chinking the armor of Goliath. Once that happens fear/reverence is gone and the decline follows. That David would be the Muslim world, not so small.

    Think of it in terms of Mike Tyson, Definitely among the GOATS. Had an unbeaten record until one small BUSTER(HA!) took him down. After that it wasn’t so hard to believe he couldn’t be beaten, and fighter after fighter took their chance against him.
    AND WON!

  9. P-Matik says:

    “Age Of Empire” by Amy Chua

    Good read.

  10. Amadeo says:

    Those with power only fear losing it despite the fact that no one holds power forever.

  11. Mark Dub says:

    DP, Amadeo, Tony Grands, P-Matick, Lion…all you cats are luminaries. I’m glad that you haven’t fallen prey to the Propaganda machine. Islam is a beautiful religion that inspires peace and understanding. Only in the hands of zealots, and those who would exploit their zealotry, is it corrupted. Great drop.

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