I havent felt the need to chime in on the death of 7 year old NIXZMARY BROWN mainly because I couldn’t spell or pronounce her Mexicana name. For that reason and the fact that there are a grip of dead babies worldwide on a daily basis due to war, flood, famine, AIDS and our insatiable need for buying cheap shit. What’s one more kid added to the global death toll?
It turns out that lucky NIXZMARY was selected to be the princess of the New York Times Colored Peoples Pity Poll. This means that we will have to hear incessant prattling about the angelic nature of this child. When you let the NYTimes tell it, NIXZMARY was going to discover the cure for polio if she had been allowed to grow into adulthood. Despite the fact that she was being raised in abject poverty as a middle child out of six siblings. The trends for those children usually point to a life of crime and drug abuse. If you read any of the daily papers circulating the city you might think that NIXZMARY was somehow different. The truth is that NIXZMARY wasn’t special at all, because she wasn’t alone.
There are tens of thousands of children that live in New York City in squalid poverty. They are spread around throughout the shelter system and various different levels of supervision – governmental and private sector. There isn’t any way in hell that the city can manage to keep track of all of these kids without the proper resources. This means more staffers at the city agencies that monitor children as well as a real intra-governmental synergy that allows the supervisors to take control when shit gets dicey. I am not advocating an intrusive-minded agency just one that has the staff and resources so that they aren’t overtaxed by their caseloads.
It is a grandstanding and knee jerk reaction to propose legislation that punishes people for hurting kids after the fact. Where is the legislation that is needed to help families earn a real living wage? Where are the laws that target the abusive land developers that push all the poor people into one single development, one disenfranchised community? Don’t tell me that the only tangible result will be another preacher standing at the streetcorner pulpit yelling loudly at no one in general.
Excuse the soapbox politics on this post, I promise to get back to business real soon, its just that I get frustrated to see this outpouring of manufactured attention for one person while in our periphery thousands upon thousands still suffer.
It wasn’t just NIXZMARY BROWN’s parents that killed this little girl, but the perpetual politics and policies on poverty.
“the perpetual politics and policies on poverty. ”
^^^ that shit is harder to say than Nzixmarty
Our country is invested in the abject poverty of the permanent lower class, it’s how the middle class white guy keeps feeling like the king of the world.
America should realize, like it’s Mother the UK that we have a percentage of people who just may not contribute to our economy, and those people should be on the dole and be taken care of. Not in the hopes of anything else, but that taking care of them would possibly prevent further atrocities.
Nzixmarty [RIP] at least we don’t have to question is babies go to heaven!
damn! is all i can say.
Clearly she wins the yearly “Let’s care about minorities” award.
Last year it was Katrina, this year it’s poor mexican chilluns.
speak billy speak.
that was so good, i don’t have anything to say other than hot damn.
sad very sad
“Manufactured attention”
“wasn’t special at all, because she wasn’t alone.”
True and ture again.
No homo . . . but you know what? How come nobody writes about New York this way anymore? ICBINB: I can’t believe it’s not Breslin.
True on both counts and the sad thing is that NY media think they’re helping the problem by creating this kind of (dead) hero worship and then moving back to the latest ass fest by Paris Hilton in the same breath.
We have so much work to do in our community. It is a shame this case was not looked at closely. But we can’t rely on others to look out for ourselves.
Nigmary was the worst of all possible combinations: the semen donor was an unnamed Pakistani man and the pod was a Puerto Rican whore who actually kept a miscarried fetus in a jar at home. The tragedy of this kid was not that her life was ended; it was inevitably destined to be nothing but a tragedy anyway. The problem is that she was made to suffer. At least now she doesn’t have to worry about living a hell of drug abuse, prostitution, terrorism or the countless other things her kind always end up doing.
Nixzmary’s mother was a whore!!!She didn’t deserve those children not to mention Nixzmary.It’s a shame how that poor baby died.It just comes to show you that this is what happens when children slip through the cracks.
As someone waiting to rescue a child from the cracks, I take offense at the fact that the CPS often will invest time and resources into children and or situations that they KNOW will have positive outcomes instead of saving the thousands of Nixmary’s that are sandwiched into these child bearing farms.