Bankers Will Burst Bernanke’s Bubble…


The much ballyhooed loan remodification program wasn’t the way to fix America’s economy. The same people that fuxed up the economy in the first place were given the bonuses. The US taxpayers were strapped with the paycheck to the tune of billions of dollars.

The Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke says that stronger regulation is the key to preventing another financial collapse. No one gets it, or worse, no one wants to face the facts that the logical evolution of capitalism is economic collapse upon the failure of businesses.

The culture of Wall Street can’t be changed just like sharks can’t be converted into vegetarians. Chairman Bernanke needs to wake up and smell the blood in the water.

10 Responses to “Bankers Will Burst Bernanke’s Bubble…”

  1. crooked eye mold nerd geek with a gold heart
    probly still be speakin in rhymes as a old fart

  2. Slumbilical says:

    Word life uncle sam stay taxing blickas.

  3. Tony Grands says:

    “…the logical evolution of capitalism is economic collapse upon the failure of businesses”

    ^^Big Brother’s playing ‘Jenga’ with the fiscal future of a nation that no longer controls the world. All the years of trying to be “Country Save-A-Hoe” is biting back in the ass, like an ungrateful bulldog, & all the monetary recycling in the world won’t help, especially when the one’s in power/command are too high up on the rungs to feel the effects.

    Shit kinda sucks, mayne.

  4. $ykotic/Don McCaine says:

    I say if they really wanted to stimulate the economy give everyone who worked in the last 3 yrs a check for 3G’s.

    The way we spend it ain’t like they wouldn’t get it back.

  5. Slumbilical says:

    Mami said she like stimulus package.

  6. 6 100 says:

    Stimulus = fail

    My beef is this whole idea of keeping prices artificially high.

    Let me do some divine math, son. . .economics

    50 years ago a family could be supported by one income. Today that’s absolutely impossible. I tie this to the feminist movement. With gender equalty, women are allowed to work and earn their own bread, which is all fine and good. But that doubles the workforce almost instantaneously. The job market can’t do the same.

    With women competing with men(and winning) there’s more cash and liquidity in all marketplaces. There is more competition for goods and services, causing a rise in prices for everything.

    Why the fuck does a shitty house in a shitty neighborhood cost $400k? Too much money in the system.

    Less cash in the system less demand for goods/services, less demand leads to less supply which equals lower equilibrium price. That leads to lower wages being more acceptable because money goes further and cats being able to own their land much more easily, and the true abolition of (financial) slavery.

    So, in short, I blame the woes of the world on women with the fake bubble butts

  7. Slumbilical says:

    @ 6 100 – son, I have four sisters, and I don’t want to support them forever. Thanks to Allah they can work in a job other than “secretary”. You pimpin backwards G. We’re no longer live in an agrarian household with three generations in one household and the chickens and cows out back. People got to go for self. If a woman marries a dude and he puts hands on her, she needs a way to support herself. C’mon b you way off. The real problem is credit. Why does the home cost $400k? Simple – people put down $50k and borrow the rest. So maybe the house would cost $50k if thyere were no access to credit! And that’s actually what’s happening on the south side of Chicago – cribs that used to cost $350k in the boom are now going for $75k – so what we’re seeing is the after-effect of the bubble being popped and the rampant foreclosures and the credit evaporating. You know how people do in the hood, they hand the keys to the bank. Fuck a loan workout – they surrender that shit to the bank, take the 7-year L on their credit, and move in with their untie. That’s the bottom line. Credit inflates prices and throws everything out of wack. Credit credit credit. It’s a problem that needs to be fixed. It has its uses but it’s done a whole lot of bad my friend.

  8. 6 100 says:

    Somebody has to stand up for dudes[||]. I was just finished watching an hour of Married w/ Children No Ma’am Episodes when I wrote it.

    But I blame it on the ladies. Ladies night(free night out=more cash to spend on booty pads and other frivolus gah-bich), oxygen channel, oprah. Wall street is greedy but only so they(the wall streeters) can impress women, most of whom are impressed by expensive and shiny things.

  9. 6 100 says:

    That’s Black Dynamite style semantic exegesis

  10. $ykotic/Don McCaine says:

    @ Slumbilical

    There it is. CREDIT. Add those ridiculous interest rates into that payment and people find out too late in the game that they got played. And it’s THEIR fault. Mufukka’s NEVER read the fine print.

    Credit on the crib, the furniture, car, clothes, and food. Then they realize out of a per se $550 bill only $100 is going to the actual tab.

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