Morehouse Men: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell…


There are two things I don’t want to do as a real Black man. The first is go into the army. The second is go to college. At least if I went into the army they would pay me to follow the orders of some sycophant. You go to college and you have to pay them to give you assignments. How crazy is that? Like I’m gonna pay someone to give me odd jobs?


The reaction that Morehouse College’s president takes to the exposure of his student body [ll] are as inane as the military’s opinion of their soldiers who are homosexual. It’s incredulous to me that both institution’s want their populations repressed as a method for controlling them. Who the fux cares about the gheys other than the gheys? Don’t ask, don’t tell? Hell yeah, just don’t try to fingerbang my foxhole.

Politically powerful gheys are upset because they don’t want their class status revoked. This is why you can never equate ghey rights with those of the Black or the colored injuns. When you are a Black you are always a Black. When you are ghey you can rock the closet to keep your standing in society. Just look at Eddie Long. Who incidentally plays the Atlanta political scene kind of big.

Atlanta should just change their name to Freaklanta.

It has the same number of syllables.

One Response to “Morehouse Men: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell…”

  1. slliMMills says:

    Crazy how this is an article in the VIbe with Atlanta’s own,,,Usher on the cover, and his ex looked kinda like a Tranny.

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