People Are Dying to VOTE in HAITI

port au prince is burning

Can you imagine for one second how impossible it is to get American jigs to come to polling stations on Election Day?!? Fuck Primary Day, you can’t get American jigs to come out for a general election unless PIDDY is throwing a concert.

Democracy is way too simple here in America and that is why folks take it for granted. All around the world people are dying for the chance to elect their leadership. And you don’t have to look half way around the world at the Iraqi people that are having their thumbs inked up. Right in our own hemisphere we have folks that believe in the principals of democracy.

Haitian folks deserve some credit for trying to get it right time after time. It seems like this contry is on fire every six months. Part of the problem that the Haitian people face is the fact that there is no economic infrastructure in their country. No technical industry, no manufacturing industry, and not even a viable agricultural economy. How the hell do you feed your family when there are no jobs?

poor kid

I have been clamoring on this website for folks in the U.S. to wake up to the dysfunction that we have in our neighbors’ house otherwise we will have to invite these poor bastards over for dinner. Call me an isolationist, but if we didn’t fuck up so many other places then people wouldn’t mind staying back in their respective countries. Eventually, this madness has to spill over onto the Mexicans in the Dominican Republic. Even with armed guards at the imaginary border there will be too many poor people to stop the bum rush.

So back to the solution that I begged for last month. Menial low paying jobs wouldn’t be such a bad thing in a place where there are NO jobs at all. Anything right about now would taste like caviar to the Haitian peoples including a job working fries at Wendy’s.

haitian playground

2 Responses to “People Are Dying to VOTE in HAITI”

  1. Miss Ahmad says:

    Uncle Sam will never support the Haitians because he still wakes up in a cold sweat wondering how them French speaking Africans over threw the colonial powers. They don’t speak on it, but that shit scares white folks to death!

    It’s so sad that as the only black country to regain it’s own government they are looked down upon , have experienced nothing but civil war and poverty, and are only considered better than the group of people they share an island with…the dominicans. Damn that’s harsh.

    Poor Haitians, I guess Wyclef can’t do enough concerts to save them all!

  2. apple halsey says:

    Actually, I think Wyclef is part of the problem.

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