IRAN’s ‘Secret Nuke’ Program

shah of coyote

As if we didn’t already spend all of our money at the crap tables in Afghanistan and in Iraq. The U.S. taxpayer is being forced to ante up again to the tune of $75million in order to help “build” a democracy in Iran. That is before Iran decides to get all “new clear” on our azzes.

I would believe that Iran was a credible nuclear threat if a more credible source was blowing the whistle. France hasn’t had any dap in years when it comes to these squabbles in the Middle East. Remember when France said that SADDAM didn’t have any WMD’s and then we found them. When I say WMD of course I am referring to the White Milk Drinkers that wear those burkhas to hide their unsightly facial hair.

got milk?

Now if Switzerland was pitching a bitch I would be like, “Whoa Tehran, be easy on that enriched uranium”. The Swiss don’t make a peep until shit gets real in the field.

One Response to “IRAN’s ‘Secret Nuke’ Program”

  1. AK says:


    France sucks ass. Their military is cheeks. They hadn’t won a single war
    before or after Napoleon.

    Swizerland is the truth. Belgium too.
    I love pancakes.

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