
As the world turns I have been trying to stay abreast of the developments in Iraq. Unfortunately, the Administration has the media on a news blackout for Iraq stories, but there is still some interesting shiite afoot if you look for it.

Russia is trying to come up in the game now as a power broker between the West and the Middle East. Europe used to hold that spot down but with the changing faces of the players in the Middle East region the European Union has lost their touch. Russia better watch their step though because its one thing to be cool with the Shah of Iran, but its entirely another thing to play the new Hamas Palestinian government close. Doesn’t Russia know who runs this rap shit?!?

My favorite story is how the U.S. is investing more than $120 BILLION to automate the Armed Forces. The project is called Future Combat Systems and it is the largest military contract in the history of… well, history. The annual expenditure on defense contracts is predicted to skyrocket from $75b to 118b by the year 2010. That’s an increase of more than 50%, but the pay for servicemen isn’t projected to rise by more than 6% during the same period. It looks like defense contractors will be the only folks able to afford tickets into the new Yankee Stadium.


The focus of the FCS program will be the introducton of robot soldiers to the battlefield. We all know how bad the Army has been as of late in recruiting teenagers to step on landmines. I was hoping that the U.S. might grant the Canadians an expedited ‘green card’ in return for military service. The Defense Departemnt has apparently given up on recruiting humans, even Mexicans need not apply. Human soldiers usually cause casualties to political campaigns. Robot soldiers will give U.S. voters one more reason to feel ambivalent about killing colored people across the globe.

Because robot soldiers won’t be eating the trashy MRE’s that Halliburton provides our troops at a premium I wonder if they will still make the Terminators with teeth?


One Response to “PENTAGON Purchases TERMINATORS”

  1. Tony says:

    Dallas, didn’t they tell you that no man can fight the future? But I’m glad you’re bold enough to try. Not only do these pics make me want to cream my pants but you’re writing also rings true (No homo). Can’t believe that the military is busy looking Sarah Connor while their human troops often can’t make rent. Nice to know that the battlefield of the future will look like an episode of battlebots only with dead brown people instead of nerds.

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