I’m Still Hungover…

There’s a reason they call it Bhangkok and not BhangKUNT. [ll]

People will agree that sequels generally sux ass. Except for The Empire Strikes Back and Futuristic Brunch, of course. Sequels are where filmmakers snooker the audience into sitting around for another few hours to try and relive the nostalgia of the previous classic vehicle.

Hangover 2 is not that sequel. Hangover 2 is better than Hangover, just like a balls out night in Bhangkok is way iller than a night in Vegas. A night in Bhangkok could have you shot, maimed, killed, or worse, it could have you lose your asscheek’s virginity.

All I’ma say is that Hangover 2 might be the summer sleeper classic of 2011. I expected to have a few laughs, but this shit was out of its mind. Ed Helms and Bradley Cooper were hilarious while Zach Galifinakis pwned the movie. Zach Galifinakis is who Jack Black would be if he were really funny.

8 Responses to “I’m Still Hungover…”

  1. BIGNAT says:

    My friend told me his coworkers told him it was wack. I said wack it’s funnier than the first one. I saw the first one a couple weeks after it came out. Everyone was telling me how funny it was overall it was okay. Hangover 2 is fucking crazy I think I want to go to bangkok now. One of my friends saw it and got hung up on the trangender people in the film. I said you let one part ruin a whole movie for you. He needs help hahahahah

  2. Jazz One says:

    I heard some people complain it was the same movie as last time. I think that is part of the joke, “it happened…….again”. Zach G had quotables for days. “I’m a stay at home son.” “I wish monkeys could Skype. Maybe one day.”
    I think they can make one more for Zach’s character and I’d still see it.

  3. dubble13 says:

    Cosign! But don’t spoil it for those yet to see it….

    DP: Glad to see the site back up again…

  4. BIGNAT says:

    They need to hit up japan for the next one the culture shock things helps the film

  5. khal says:

    i keep telling myself that the first movie was better, but the more i think about the crazy shit in hangover 2, i keep thinking i was wrong.

    just seeing Allen open the door with a fila sweater vest on had me rollin’.

  6. Donaleski says:

    No ideas original – go have a session in BKK, get drunk, bang bitches… tell me if it would be more different than in amerikkka… stupidness to ra fullness!

  7. merv says:

    lies lies that was the same movie you saw last time with the same set up and the the same ok cast.

  8. Mark Dub says:

    that movie was redonkulously funny. On par or surpasses the original.

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