attack of the clones

News Update: Iraq is still fucked the fuck up!

The mainstream news machine has been ridiculously quiet about the goings on inside of Iraq, but you can best believe that we here at the website are going to look for the truth. It’s out there, but we don’t think anybody can handle it. The truth about Iraq tastes like a cod liver oil pill the size of a walnut. I suggest that you get a glass of water, better still a tumbler filled with Jack.

Let’s take a look at our world…

If you know anybody serving in the Armed Forces overseas you should be looking to find their spouse back here in the states someone new. They won’t be coming home anytime soon. The civil war in Iraq between the turtlenecks and the turbans has completely spiraled out of control. Mercenaries are running amok as these two religious sects duke it out for control of the country. Our troops danger level has risen exponentially because they are still preceived as the ‘other’ by both those in the new government and the insurgents. If you try to find credible information on the mounting U.S. casualties you get a lot of dead air. The Associated Press guestimates that 2,300 Americans have died in the conflict. That number meshes with the Defense Department. The Defense Dept. also adds another 200 or so soldiers to the tally from Afghanistan.

The casualty number for Afghanistan was lowered by 1 soldier when the Army classified PAT TILLMAN’s death as a criminally negligent homicide. I am not exactly sure what this means for the value of his Arizona Cardinals trading card. I am betting that the card is worth bupkus now since TILLMAN’s cap wasn’t peeled by Al-Queda operatives. You already know how this administration likes to blame the victims when its an incident of ‘friendly fire’. Poor PAT TILLMAN got ‘Cheneyed’ by someone in his own platoon.

Speaking of the Administration…
The invertabrates that some of you call senators are giving the president a hard time about the sweetheart deal that he set up for his Arab cousins. I don’t want to turn this post into some crackpot conspiracy theorist rant, but honestly, these dudes have made a grip for themselves by being quiet cowards. Why do they want me to believe that they are interested in protecting the people all of a sudden?!? I guess if a hurricane breaks up some ports, terminals and levees its okay, but whoa, we gotta protect ourselves from these Arabs. The best part of this story is that the Brit news is reporting the story as Republican infighting. We can only pray…

I will be praying that this impasse with Tehran doesn’t escalate any further. I understand that Iran still has a chip on their shoulder since the RONALD RAYGUN days, but like my man RODNEY KING said, “Can I gets a twenty bag of that crank pardna?” The way to end this argument between the U.S. and Iran would be if the two nations would be willing to share the profits from the opium trade equally. Its not like we can’t afford to kickback a few bucks to Tehran anyhoo since we get to keep all the money that we make in Afghanistan. Russia needs to get their priorities straightened out too. If they won’t recognize where their bread is buttered we should stop sending rolls of toilet paper over there until they get their mind right. I’m just saying…

If anybody in the armed forces reads this blog (and I doubt that since I know all 8 of my readers) I wish peace upon you and I pray for your godspeed return to your family, but if you knew what I knew you might think you were safer in Iraq.

6 Responses to “TEARS Of A CLONE”

  1. Tony says:

    Damn. I’m linking. This is the most honest assessment of the conflict I’ve read . . . Although, I’m bummed about the value of my Pat Tillman trading card.

  2. Amadeo says:

    I wonder when all of this will just blow up…the messed up part is it will probably happen in 2008. A gift for the Democrats.

  3. James says:

    What you’ve said is true, so sadly true. G.W.Bush said we’re fighting for freedom over there, but he forgot to say that we’re losing it over here.

  4. Nigeria says:

    ‘ The civil war in Iraq between the turtlenecks and the turbans ‘
    That had me laughing. But seriously in London we still get news from Iraq almost everyday and it seems the situation has stagnated into a constant cycle of violence. Most people from outside don’t even have water or electricity.

  5. Nigeria says:

    What i meant to say was outside the main cities

  6. mike says:

    thank you for this it was great.

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