X-Men Movie Is First Class…


The BEST summer movie of 2011 is X-Men: First Class. I knew the movie was going to be dope, but I didn’t realize how much I was going to love it. As a retcon from the original X-Men canon it doesn’t fux up the OG backstory as much as some other movies have done. As a longtime fan you can fit in to the new storyline comfortably.e so enj

What really helped make the movie so damn good were the stellar acting performances. Magneto and Professor X’s kinship was dope. If Professor X had gone dark he and Magneto could have ruled the planet, but still and all Magneto just might end up on top of the heap. Magneto has a Batman-type of revenge malevolence.


Magneto is the boss of this flick and we even get introduced to Sebastian Shaw from the Hellfire Club along with some Black dude mutant who doesn’t live past the first yo scene. Dude got the Thunderbird treatment (for those of you who FUX with the X-Men canon hardbody). I wasn’t mad at that aspect so that let’s you know how great this movie was.

I was a little weirded out seeing Havoc come into the fray before his older brother Cyclops, and watching Angel be more like the Black Wasp while Moira McTaggert was a federal agent as opposed to a geneticist. But I suppose those are all relatively minor details to overcome when you are watching your favorite comicbook series of all time come to the silver screen.

Even at the $13.50 ticket price I’m down to watch this flick again.


10 Responses to “X-Men Movie Is First Class…”

  1. cuz'n dave says:

    Maaaan, I was pretty disappointed with the movie Penn… Kinda surprised you are down with it… I was and am an X-men cartoon nerd tho!

  2. AVENGER XL says:

    I agree with dude above this was a good movie only if you are ok with hollywood fucking up the history of a franchise in the name of modern pop storylines. This was the x-men origins re-imagined ala some alternative timeline type ish. This is one of the reasons it is all but impossible to keep up with the book now. Now I can expect another half assed story line

  3. sean p 4real says:

    that movie wouldve been great if i didnt read comic books
    havok and professor x chillin when x was walking and had hair????
    emphatically 14 15

    marvel has good xmen movies but they fuck up the characters time line like wolverine being down hard body and bobby drake a student shit like that pisses me off

    chewbaca in blue paint thats what DR Henry McCoy looked like

    you like this movie?
    i thought we were friends

  4. sean p 4real says:

    i actually dont like x men comics anymore because of these movies

  5. the_dallas says:

    In my mind its like buying a Batman comic. I only copp back issues or TPBs. I’m enjoying how the movie had a clean edge for revisioning characters.

    I think that Black dude might come back too as some sentient being.

    Ha. Nah, that’s that ol’ Black bullshit.

  6. Mark Dub says:

    I haven’t yet seen it, but after the flop that was Green Lantern, and the just okay/average flick that Thor was, I’m going to dumb down my memory of the X-men origin story, and try to be as objective of the story-telling that this flick offers when I see it. I haven’t heard anything bad about it yet, even from X-Men purists.

  7. sean p 4real says:


  8. Ian says:

    Overall, I really liked this movie, but I’m a reformed X-men nerd, so I get hyped for this shit. I too thought it was kind of basura that havok shows up before Cyclops but Cyclops did pop up in that Wolverine movie. Emma Frost was super banging though, as was Moira Mctaggart. Magneto was badass but how shitty would the movie have been if Magneto wasn’t crazy magnetic hardbody?

  9. Amadeo says:

    I liked it. Comic movies can’t win if they only try to follow the story because you can’t squeeze but so much important detail into 2.5 hours (or however long shit is now). It’s about getting the feeling right. Spiderman…I felt dudes pain. Batman…they showed who he was (same with the Joker finally). Watchmen is a great example…it’s easy to demo on that because everything it entails comes in one TPB.

    Also in fairness Darwin got Merc’d on his first mission but survived by becoming living energy or something like that.

  10. Amadeo says:

    Sidenote: In World War Hulk Darwin tried to fight the Hulk and his evolution power determined the best thing to do was – not to fight the Hulk…so it teleported him three states away.

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