
Sean Price was right last week when he told me I was selfish. He and I had spoken only a week earlier about the the new Nike SC Trainers about to drop and we both agreed how dope they were.

Then Sean P saw my EFF Dr.JAY’s video with those same sneakers and blasted me for not telling him they were out. The subsequent ‘FUCK DALLAS PENN’ meme would shut down my TWitter timeline for several days.


I was prA’li foul for not reminding P that the trainers dropped, altho’ in my defense I actually forgot he and I had talked about them.

But you do know that P couldn’t have skilled the fitted as well as I did?

Yeah, yeah I know… #FUCKDALLASPENN!

sc trainers

sc trainers

11 Responses to “#FUCKDALLASPENN”

  1. bananaclipse says:

    That’s a mean fitted!!

  2. abortatron says:

    That fitted and those trainers go together like hookers and cocaine, B

  3. Seanprice4real says:

    That shit ass my shit wit the orioles fitted is a better match

  4. Puerto-Black says:

    Dallas your a true sneaker fiend But Kimbo Price B-more fitted wins. Not enough black in the expos joint.

  5. KingsbridgeArthur says:

    B-more Smiling Bird >>>>> every goddamn Yankees cap Navy & fugazy combined

  6. Seanprice4real says:


  7. Kicks718 says:

    The gray is a good look with that touch of orange!!

  8. Smear says:

    P won this one dP…..

  9. the_dallas says:

    Damn internets, I obviously need to help yall get your Pantone swag up

  10. Jaislayer says:

    DP, you my fam, but I gotta hit you with the #FUCKDALLASPENN. How I not get an invite to the football pool, smh. I was gonna win that shit straight up kid.

  11. Mark Dub says:

    I was seeing #FUCKDALLASPENN in my timeline, and seeing the shoes, and thinking, “what kinda fuckery is this? DP wouldn’t get down with no high-heeled Jordans.” That shit was EPIC and HILARIOUS. Mega-Sean FTW! LOL

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