Green Eggs and Blue H.A.M.


The cult of GROVER has taken over the H.A.M. Awards photo gallery this weekend. Look for a multitude of H.A.M. contestants to be wearing the color blue.



Did you just peep the picture of grandma hanging up on the wall in the background?

5 Responses to “Green Eggs and Blue H.A.M.”

  1. C.J. Ramos says:

    Have you nothing better to do than search for random pictures on the internet, and then critique them completely out of context? I mean get real.

  2. the_dallas says:

    f.y.i. spaniard – the above pics were sent to Blu Cheez by one of the line brothers…

    and no, we have nothing better to do.

  3. C.J. Ramos says:

    Haha.. Spaniard?
    And word? Which one of ’em was that?

  4. Billy Sunday says:

    snitches get stitches…

    all you UNC cats should be rallying to honor that choked out stripper from NCCU

  5. Those masks are ridiculous looking…

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