
As the world turns it looks like I might not be that dumb for being a college dropout. I mean yeah, I’m dumb, but I sure ain’t stupid.

The comparisons that I made at the beginning of the year linking nefarious public officials to characters in the Star Wars universe is proving to be prolific and prophetic. The good people over at Nah’Right ain’t just Hip-Hop anymore. As they broaden their vision they find some serious bits of real world news. Anyone with a car should really enjoy this one…

LEE RAYMOND (pictured above), the former chairman and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Corp., earned $144,573 for each day of the 13 years he served at the top of the oil company. In the final year of his contract he received over $400 million.

So while some of crack open your piggy banks to fill up your car’s tank just think about LEE RAYMOND and the sacrifices that he is making at this moment since stepping down as chairman of Exxon and don’t forget to say a prayer for the soldiers still in Iraq standing guard over the oil wells.

One Response to “THE FAT BOYS ARE BACK!”

  1. Jesse says:

    he could store at least $20 in quarters in that rubber tire neck of his. maybe $30.

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