Tittymeats Takeover…


Rick Ross has already ruled three(3) straight summers and now he is poised to own the coldest winter evar.

50 who??!!??

‘YOU THE BOSS’ (feat. Nicki Minaj)


4 Responses to “Tittymeats Takeover…”

  1. Smear says:

    Dude picks great beats…. but still sounds like a cartoon to me.
    Shame 50 and/orJeezy don’t have as good an ear for them crabmeats…. beats.
    I know these kind of guys….. bullshit themselves so much they actually start believin it themselves, makes me miss 2003 when 50, Killa, Saigon, TI Jeezy (Yes, I thoroughly enjoy dude’s music) were poppin.
    Otherwise ……………

  2. Bart says:

    DP one thing i gotta know, this has been on my mind… “Am I really just a narcissist cause I wake up to a bowl of lobster bisque?”

  3. Mark Dub says:

    ^^^^ Hilarious!

    RAWSE’s beat-selection plays in intregal part of his success. He is one rapper who has mastered putting out music that sticks with you…even if you don’t like his drug-encrusted bragadoccio or fabricated tales. Superweed and crabmeats.

  4. DirtyJerz says:

    Initially I wanted this guy to lose. Just on lying about an honorable job, he was supposed to be ex-communicated from hip hop. But he powered through, and unlike my top 5 rappers, he has the ability to make great songs that add up to great albums. Nas shoulda’ BEEN seeking MMG’s assistance.

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