Bored of education officials in Chicago have reached a deal with the Justice Department on integrating their public schools… WHAT THE FUCK?!? Are we in the year 2006 or is this shit 1966!?!
The real issue when I look at public schools isn’t about integration, but funding and resources. Chicago is no different than any American urban center when it concerns the education of the non-priveleged. The Federal monies that are allocated for the education of the center city students is siphoned off into the suburbs. The agenda has been to maintain a permanent underclass that will be ill-prepared to adapt to the changing technology and will ultimately feed the prison industrial complex. Education is the number one issue for poor people. That alone can grant you a small measure of mobility within the American caste framework. Without an education you are so shit out of luck it’s not even funny.
Where is your boy BARACK OBAMA when this shit is going down in Illinois? It looks like politricks as usual party people and the poor Chi-Town kids will never be smart enough to understand that their baseball teams really suck.
Damn where is Barack, several events have come to light that remind me just cause a semi-young cat with an ethnic sounding name gets elected – nothing changes.
i’ve been asking the same questions for a minute, but you gotta cut the man some slack…he’s new at that level plus he’s up against a tough hill on the ground of his background alone. How many black senators are in congress?
We need to start viewing education as a long term investment, one that eventually pays off in the eradication of our American caste system.
How we do that is another story. Why isn’t this bigger news?
NYC schools are going through the same struggles, without the politically charged word “segregation.”
How is this not bigger news? For the same reason that few people seem to care about Darfur, Uganda or any other country that isn’t America.
If you look at the most popular stories on each day, it’s always Brad-n-Angelina, or Paris Hilton garbage. People don’t want to be bothered with actual news.
^Vik and Carter, cynicism abounds on this site, but allow me for a minute to show you my optimistic side…
The mis-education of the Negro is important for the economy on several levels.
On the literal level it insures the permenance of an underclass. Someone will have to shovel the shit and as far as I can see it is always a Black person cleaning the subways and the streets.
On the figurative level, the disenfranchised turn to criminal ventures to earn capital. This feeds the prison-industrial complex as well as the ‘boogeyman’ syndrome that makes the middle class work that much harder so as not to get caught up.
One of the first ways that we as caregivers and stewards of our community might slow the roll of this perpetual wheel is by assuming a role in the leadership void in our communities. No marches or protests necessary. Just a few hours every fourth Friday at the local Boy Scout/Girl Scout troop meeting. Or possibly a once a month Saturday morning reading program at the local children’s clinic.
If each of us has the courage and committment to dedicate a small, small, piece of our lives to our community one day we may not be faced with the situation where children can quote rap songs but can’t pronounce Aesop.