Lutheran School Lifestyle…

The Lutheran school that Mr. Penn sent me to for grade school and junior high is definitely where I formed all my social political ideas. Lutherans were on some shit where they wanted everyone to be literate and comprehensive. Their formation in Europe was around the printing press and the access to information this gave everyone.

The other thing I developed during my years at St.John’s Lutheran was an affinity for the oxblood colorway. Burgundy and grey are those classic prep school tones. Oxblood and navy is simply clean and smooth in autumn. The base for this ‘fit are the leather toe Rod Lavers.

The socks are a gift from BigNat and the scarf comes from JaiSlayer.

Thanks internets, Mr.Penn would have approved of this swag

2 Responses to “Lutheran School Lifestyle…”

  1. khal says:

    crispy as fuck, DP

  2. Jaislayer says:

    That Navy Blue fitted goes with any outfit. Salute!!!

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