The Secret War On The Old Earths…

the old earth

An article in the March ’06 Harpers Magazine exposed the genocidal griminess of the medical industrial complex. The article opened with the story of a working class mother from Memphis who was pregnant and coerced into taking an HIV test. She received a false positive and since the doctors didn’t administer a back up test she was labeled to have HIV. Fearful that she would pass the HIV to her yet unborn child she agreed to become part of a clinical trial that was using a combination of anti-HIV drugs. What she and the other women in this trial were not told was that the drugs that they would be receiving were actually pathogens. Designed to break down the immune system by giving it toxins that the body would have to fight. The duration that these toxins needed to destroy their host was the true subject of the study.

This particular woman, JOYCE ANN HAFFORD, a healthy 33yr. old probably didn’t have HIV, but she had the disease with the deadliest combinations of symptoms inside of America. She was a Black, single, working-poor mother. Mrs.HAFFORD used the HIP centers and the free clinics that so many of us rely upon inside of our cities. When you are uninsured and unable to afford the services provided at a private practice you become the human equivalent of a test animal. In the case of Mrs.HAFFORD, her demise was from massive organ failure and not AIDS.

Pharmaceutical companies, with the blessings of the Federal Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health use urban health clinics to sample thousands of proposed trial medications. Many of these trials test the levels at which patients can consume lethally toxic drugs. This is far worse than the Tuskeegee study which was about administering a debilitating, albeit non-lethal, dose of syphillis to men and analyzing the effects over time.

The drugs used in these trials were known for their rampant toxicity. AZT in a branded combination called Combivir was lauded for the test tube trials in which it killed HIV-infected blood cells and prevented them from replicating. The truth is that AZT prevents all cells from reproducing and kills all cells especially healthy ones is not the info that is put on the table. Instead I see MAGIC JOHNSON doing ads for pharmacuetical giant Glaxo-SmithKline. This is the same company that has been sued by African nations for price gouging on its medical patents. Apparently the only drugs that Glaxo will give away for free are the ones that will kill you quickly.

What is also becoming apparent is that HIV/AIDS does not have a clear definition or symptomology. Did you know that depending on what country in Africa you are from determines your presumed HIV status? The World Health Organizations give pharmaceutical giants free reign to distribute any trial medications throughout the continent. I can accept the genocide that is waged daily on African peoples in Africa because I am not over there. I will not accept the genocide that is being administered on intraveneous drug users and Black women right here in my community. When you watch OPRAH this afternoon peep how many commercials she runs for prescription drugs. You better believe someone is making her rich when she says that down-low Black men are responsible for the spike in African American women contracting HIV. EDDIE MURPHY can’t be having sex with everybody. OPRAH is going to have to stop co-signing these pharmaceutical companies on the one hand and then posing as a champion of Black womanhood on the other side.

Pharmaceutical giants, the FDA and the National Institutes of health are fighting a secret war against the old Earths. Will you take a stand?

rest in peace mrs.francis

6 Responses to “The Secret War On The Old Earths…”

  1. apple halsey says:

    I don’t think the war is that secret, frankly. Anyone who’s ever had to go to a getto emergency room knows that the poor and the colored (often one and the same) get the crust of the medical barrel. What’s disgusting is that this isn’t even benign neglect; it’s active genocide, one po’ disenfranchised mf at a time.


  2. Vik says:

    powerful post. schools. hospitals. after-school activities. the city’s version of these are obviously lacking, relative to their suburban counterparts.

    how do we make it un-profitable to exploit the poor?

    there’s a war goin on outside…

  3. the_dallas says:

    It has to become more profitable to educate the poor and disenfranchised than to leave them for dead. All that any corporation recognizes is its bottom line. I say that we remove our votes (dollars) from these pharma giants profit margins.

    That requires people to actively understand the products they consume. Am I talking pie in the sky? Maybe, maybe not.

  4. Alan says:

    good work dallas

    AIDS was created by a man named ROBERT GALLO

    as a means to kill the poor and undesirables by the so called ‘elite’

  5. Ambush says:

    Not to subtract any shine from the Old Earth’s. The united states prison system has served as the most viable pharmeceutical testing facilities ever. Three times a day there is a general announcement of “Pill Call”, you would think the announcement was parole call. Droves of inmates line up to be medicated by every generic drug known to man. You want to know the effects AZT over a five year period, prescribe it to an inmate with a five year sentence. Repeat per medical trial period per inmates sentencing.

  6. B says:

    “I can accept the genocide that is waged daily on African peoples in Africa because I am not over there.”

    Really. Your fucked. Is this because the whole “Africans sold us in slavery” bullshit (which is bullshit). Do you hate White Americans as much because of their participation…I doubt it, sorry ni**a!

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