Move Along… Nothing To See Here…


NYC has finally come from under the storm clouds so I am getting my azz dressed and out the door. If you are home reading this shit I admonish you to come up from the basement of your parents’ house and go outside. There has to be some blogging supply that you need to refill. How about a trip to Chipotle?

g dubbz

Looks like G DUBBZ is slowly getting his approval rating back up. Killing some Black arab badguys was always good for a few points. People made such a big deal about the president’s approval rating being the lowest for any sitting president, but that was a case of people not using the proper perspective in the first place. Only fifty percent of the country approved of G DUBBZ in the first place so to dip down to thirty four percent wasn’t like going to a place that he couldn’t naturally get to. Killing terrorists, hating on immigrants, banning gay marriage and railing against abortion is the grand slam for today’s mainstream politics. With that being said all you pitchers for pro-choice are on the mound next. I hope youv’e been taking your steroids.


BARRY BONDS, I feel bad for you for the simple fact that O.J. SIMPSON at least got to kill a couple of white before he could be ‘America’s Most Hated On Negro’. All you did was go into partnership with MLB and BUD SELIG and try to restore the country’s faux love affair with baseball. The way the MLB via the assistance of sportwriters have turned on you like spoiled, well-fed pitbulls should go down as one of the all-time classic double crosses. No where near the level of PETER MINUIT and the Dutch jacking Manhattan island, but that was a time way before the internets.

rapper kit

So I am off to play in the sun on my shiny new skateboard. I hope you kids have fun today too. Keep in mind that a margerita at Chipotle for only $3.75 is like finding a Happy Hour on a Saturday afternoon.

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