LIL’ KIM Back On The Block…


Well, actually, back in her home in the toney ‘hood of Alpine, New Jersey. This is a great moment for Black people all across the country, similiar to when those jigs that were arrested in Montgomery were released. They had that preacher dude hanging with them and they were busy boycotting all the restaurants that had segregated lunch counters.

This moment is way bigger though because we have the internets now and all they had were dog bites and wet clothing from being hosed down by firemen.

Ha! Those jigs were such chumps back then.

4 Responses to “LIL’ KIM Back On The Block…”

  1. P-Matik says:

    Haha, you wildin son!

  2. Vik says:

    thank god almighty….free at last.

    free at last!

  3. Candice says:

    Just in time to ruin Foxy’s album release.

  4. the_dallas says:

    You think Foxy heard the news yet? No, I mean do you think Foxy HEARD the news?

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