It’s Just A Friendly Game Of Baseball…


Peace to the Main Source and BioChemical Slang.

I was up in Harlem this weekend and I noticed how all the beisbol diamonds are occupied by little Dominican boys from el campo, while all the morenitos are on the basketball courts. The kids are totally segregated socially and culturally. I remember just a few years ago when I was a kid and we had Cuban boys in my neighborhood and they played baseball, basketball and football. Their language didn’t seperate them and neither did their upbringing.

Sports in America has always been the barometer for how we relate to one another across all kinds of lines, real and virtual. No sport has been of greater influence to the working class people of this country than baseball has. It has served as recreation and meditation, it has helped assimilation and upward mobilization.

I wonder if the parents of the Dominican kids tell their children not to fuck with the Black kids because of the supremacist fate that will await them? In a few more generations the quote unquote Black population of America will be overtaken by the Blacks from the Carribbean, South America and Africa. These peoples do not readily accept the designation of Black as neither do the mulattos, quadroons, octaroons, etc. There will come a point when urban housing projects act like the Indian reservations of the Midwest do. They will house a Black population that is totally disenfranchised and dependent on social programs for their subsistence.

I won’t be surprised then when I see a professional sports team named the Carolina Coons. I already have their fitted caps in home and away Bloods and Crips colors.


6 Responses to “It’s Just A Friendly Game Of Baseball…”

  1. LM says:

    The key is that the parents wield more influence now over what their kids do… and kids tend to choose a single sport early rather than play everything under the sun

  2. Skeeter Valentine says:

    *Always a supporter of the coons, porch monkeys, niggars, and abu-babu’s*

  3. Tony says:

    I have no doubt that I will see those teams established sometime in the future. I notice the same cultural differences that you point out as well. Often those kids don’t want to learn English as well just to hold onto one of the things that makes them different and not completely subject to the “supremacist fate” that awaits them. All of this in the context of baseball now clues me in to why people drink so much at the park.

  4. 40 Dawg Drewlander says:

    And here I am still trying to get over Miss Peachez…

    I’ve always felt baseball is a microcosm of America more than any other sport. It reflects America’s views on race, foreign policy, drugs, socio-economic issues etc. There has been a battle cry to “fix” baseball in the so-called steroid era, but it can never be fixed. To fix baseball would be to fix America and that will never happen.

    Where should I begin. Well first of all baseball is showing the demise of the white American athlete – you’re a dying breed and you’re chemical dependency of performance enhancing substances are proof of that. But its OK if you’re white and you cheat, just don’t let the spades catch on because the minute Barry Bonds/OJ Simpson uses your system to their advantage and beats you with it then it becomes a problem. So to rule out the unruly jigs you import the brown brothers. Just like the manager would rather underpay some subservient undocumented workers at the local eatery then hire some unruly young spooks, baseball is becoming beisbol because you know what? Its easier, they’re better players and hey “they’re happy to be here!” Just like the black working class is being supplanted by more and more “undocumented workers” so it every other form of employment. Don’t be mad brothers – if we had more Jackie than Jackee’ in us we could have done something, this ain’t whitey’s fault completely…

    But to move it past racial lines look at baseball as a reflection of the demise of the “heartland of America”. The only financially successful team are those in a large market. Similar to many of the mid-major cities in America that were once self sustaning urban entities. Now for the price of two Yankees you can field the Brewers and the Royals!!!

    Anyway… I’ve pieced together this whole thesis about this for a grad school paper. I need to find it, finesse it, and put it out there…

  5. Combat Jack says:

    Those damned Dominicans. As a Haitian kid, they used to try to terrorize me on account of my heritage. Them dudes, the most ghetto of the hispanos, actually think they’re blanco. We, as humans, are a sorry state.

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