ISRAEL To Earth : Everybody Can Get It!

a rab azz kickin

Even without the best military industrial devices on the planet the Israelis would still be hardbody. They teach their kids to kick azz while in the womb. If you thought that America was gangster when they ignored the United Nations resolutions and went ahead and invaded Iraq you should peep how Israel just blew up a whole bunch of U.N. personnel that were in Beirut to monitor the escalating situation. If these so called peacekeepers from the U.N. allow more pictures to be leaked to the internets showing Lebanese kids with their skin burned off the Israelis will have no choice but to show the U.N. flunkies a similiar fate.

12 Responses to “ISRAEL To Earth : Everybody Can Get It!”

  1. Gee says:

    Christ the King….
    Lawd, Jesus take me god, Take me!
    This will only end in the worst possible way. How dare the UN send the bleeding hearts to capture the worst case senario? I think that the advancement in media is partially to blame for the insensitivity of the mass to this conflict. There was at least a week delay for action footage from the war zone to the newsroom in the good old days. Now any fool with a moblie phone and international dialing is a correspondant.

  2. Mingemaster says:


    I love your blog but you are bordering on being anti-semetic with all of this Israel stuff you are posting. I understand how insanely fucked the israelis can be but damn! What about the terrorists blowing themselves up in grocery stores and rockets being fired into villages? At least be balanced and give us a post about the maniacal suicide bombers waiting at the border to rush in kill every innocent Israeli citizen they can find. Or is it just that because most people have deep seeded anitsemetism (just like we all have deep seeded racism) that you think its ok to convince everyone reading your blog that this is a SIMPLE issue that ONLY boils down to a bunch of European descent (you are waaaay off on that peace to the Ethiopian Israelis) murdering the poor “people of color” with absolutely no justification. Just a thought.

  3. the_dallas says:

    ^was on my cellphone enjoying my evening shopping for sneakers (I got that Foot Locker F & F coupon – holla black if you need one) and you ruined my night by telling me that I am hating on my forefather Shem. You don’t even know me like that so pause. Real talk is that the situation that goes down on the regular in the middle east has nothing to do with YAHWEH or ALLAH. Supremacy is what fuels the middle east conflict. That and the brazen desire to control the resource that fuels our cars.

  4. Mingemaster says:

    Not tryin to diss you just felt like i needed to express that as it was on my mind….i agree that its ALL about supremacy so all im sayin is lets keep it balanced…supremacy is not only the Israeli military dropping bombs on Lebanese citizsens – its ALSO every dictatorship in the Middle East that oppresses its citizens and exploits children to the point of encouraging their own people to become suicide bombers.

  5. Amadeo says:

    Everyone in the world portrays Israel as a victim and rarely do we see anyone point the finger at them…mostly because the U.S. will back them. I say props to you DP and I’ll buy you a drink. A few sick individuals can always cause havoc, what’s going on is a country bombing another country for the actions of a few that hide there. Now they just killed the UN’s peeps. I bet this would be very different if one of those people was from America. Don’t forget that alot of those people who are oppressed are viewed that way because they’re living according to a belief system that we don’t live by or really have a lot of respect for. I don’t think the problem is because they’re Jews I think the problem is they’re just bombing the hell out of alot of people who have nothing to do with the beef.

  6. Web says:

    Can we please get a definition of anti-semitism and a relevant example. How can stating that the Israeli response to the kidnapping & targeting, indadvertent or not of UN peacekeepers be anti-semetic. Is there some insinuation of usury, duplicity, protocols of the elders of Zion type statement inferred in saying that? An extremely strong state is dominating a weak state. And yes, there are Ethiopian Jews. But they don’t have nor will they ever have the clout of the Russian immigre parties. You can’t pull that bullshit on semi-knowledgeable people. You do no one any favor by bandying that term around.

  7. fosterakahunter says:

    I NEED one of them F & F coupons, Dallas. Thanx, peace.

    Now, to the topic; Israel is basically an American-funded and supplied military outpost in the Middle East. The US feels that without the Zionists ‘invaluable’ presence there in the region, this country’s black gold interests would be seriously threatened. That is mainly because the countries that most of the fields are located in would be able to control their own sh@t, without some US based oil company dictating policy to them. Thank-you for reading.

    Dallas, them coupons, holla.

  8. Ethan says:

    for those who are interested. For my part, I think what Israel’s doing in Lebanon is a disaster, and counterproductive, and I say this as someone who believes in the country’s right to exist (sorry, but there you are) , and believes it needs to get the hell out of the West Bank and Gaza and East Jerusalem. But I have a tactical question about modern warfare, let’s pretend we can decontextualize. What is the “ethical way” (if such a thing can ever really apply to war) to approach a counter insurgency building up weapons stashes among a civilian population for the sole purpose of making an attack unpalatable? Or to put it another way, does one simply surrender as soon as a political enemy starts military operations from civilan areas? “Oh shit, they went into the house, wave the white flag.” If there were ever a just war to be waged in such a situation (and I don’t think the current situation qualifies), what DOES an army do?

  9. Amadeo says:

    I think what modern armies are not willing to do are to send in men until they think they’ve already broken their enemy. Especially cause Hezbollah is actually a sophisticated army and the only one in all this time that has turned back the Israeli army. I think if you know where they are you have to go in and instead of bombing Lebanon and telling them to get rid of them they should say we need to collaborate to get them out cause they put you in danger.

  10. Enlightened One says:

    Israel is like a big bully. The only place Israel exisited prior to 1948 was in your bible. Find yourself a map before that time and there will be no country lines for what we call Israel. The UN/US/Europe created Israel for the diasporo of Jews (kinda like what Monroe did for Liberia). There has been nothing but conflict and war ever since.

  11. apple halsey says:

    The problem with modern warfare is that no one wants to admit it’s war.

    War in “first world” economies means people that look like Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blow get killed. For a concept, patriotism, which has been popularly defined in the most vulgar manner. So, when lots of Mr. and Mrs. Blows die, the populace starts to question why they were fighting in the first place. And thus the unravelling begins.

    When the Germans blitzed London, it was a sign of cowardice. There’s plenty of cowardice to go around, but the greater responsibility in my mind belongs to those who have the might.

    There’s no such thing as a bloodless victory in war. It’s a matter of whose blood, how much and how victory is defined. Israel provokes such strong responses in people, I suspect, because it’s not clear when that the state will ever “feel secure,” (and thus claim victory) and so the issues of whose blood and how much then becomes everyone else’s burden to bear.

  12. jaithe says:

    hey let’s not forget the blood on our hands in iraq. we can actually do something about that.

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