ISRAEL Gives Peas A Chance

hezbo hummus

Because of all your bitching and moaning, Israel has decided to stop crushing all the the tender young Lebanese peas into Hezbollah hummus.

For now…

How in the world do you negotiate this impasse? The country of Israel is a state actor that was transplanted in that region to be a staging area for Western intervention. Yes, there were tons of Jews in Jerusalem prior to the installation of Israel. HELLO?!?! The name of the town is JEW-rusalem. There were always Jews in all areas of the Middle East prior to the artificial lines that were created in Geneva. As a matter of fact, there are tons of Jews everywhere on the Earth, but never were they established in an area by brute force until the state of Israel was created. I am called a self-hating Jew and an anti-Semite when I say that the country of Israel exists by an illegal mandate.

So how do you resolve this conflict peacefully? You cannot. Israeli forces must realize their manifest destiny and assume the position of the Crusaders and the Romans before them until the Arab population has been placed into submission.

It’s a European thing, you wouldn’t understand.

3 Responses to “ISRAEL Gives Peas A Chance”

  1. Amadeo says:

    The interesting things is those Jews lived peacefully with the Muslims until “the interference” and the declaration that they were a state.

  2. Ethan says:

    Wow guys, that’s some bad history. Jews and Muslims were killing each other on that land dating decades back before 1948, into the British Mandate. One more thing. The US was not initially such an ally of Israel–Israel was basically a socialist state setting up all kinds of communist collectives (kibbutzes) and they were more aligned with the USSR. This changed in the sixties, not sure exactly when. What would a legal mandate be? Is Taiwan legal? Was Yugoslavia? Member states of the UN created Israel after the UK had made a huge damned mess, saying, These people are CRAZY, we’re outta here. But you guys sure are making a good case for the legitimacy of Israel’s fear that removing themselves from occupied territory will not diminish people’s hostility to the country or its very existence.

  3. Billy Sunday says:

    It’s not an argument as to whether Israel has the right to sovereignity. Of course they do.

    The beginnings of man have people warring in this region. Why must that real estate be so important to men? Because of the Bible?!? The Torah?!? The Qu’aran?!? Because of a book written by man (possibly divinely inspired, probably hallucenogenically inspired) that was crafted when people assumed the Earth was flat. Man only believes what his brain capacity allows him to understand.

    What did GOD tell Job?

    The ‘state’ of Israel could have been established anywhere on the globe. That it was placed where it was by military force is a supremacist design. Same as the Congo. Same as Czechoslovakia.

    No big deal. Carry on.

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