Frank Magazine dropping in early June already has me HYPE!

12 Responses to “DOOOOOOOOM!”

  1. T-Bag says:

    DOOM top 5 Dead or alive!

  2. Tone Riggz says:

    Doom needs to do some shows in NYC…Maybe do a 10 city tour of the U.S., performing “Operation Doomsday” in it’s entirety…

  3. T-Bag says:

    I saw Doom the first time he ever performed in Los Angeles. I think Operation Doomsday is the greatest rap album of all time.

  4. T-Bag says:

    I even danced to “Shoot em up movies” by The Dele for the first dance at my wedding

  5. TED says:

    hip hop’s bukowski

  6. Wardell Franklin says:

    now THIS should be my shit!!

    Also, at Tone, I’m not a fan of bands or MCs doing entire albums, as to me it negates the creative aspect of live performance BUT…

    … I sure wouldn’t mind hearing “Vaudeville Villian” in its entirety; goddamn that’s one grimy-ass, funny brilliant album.

  7. T-Bag says:

    @BIGNAT, I’m sure it was him. A week before his performance I went to an instore where he was at and my homey saw his face in the parking lot

  8. DirtyJerz says:

    In the name of King Geedorah!!!!

  9. McNulty says:

    $ Cha Ching $ $ Cha Ching $

  10. BIGNAT says:

    Wow my comment has vanished what is up with that?

  11. Wardell Franklin says:


    I bet it was an accident B.– if you ever peep in the off hours, the spambots are fucking brutal and behind the scenes in WordPress it’s easy to trash something you don’t mean to…

    At least I hope that’s what happened!

  12. T-Bag says:

    “only in America could you find a way to earn a healthy buck and still keep your attitude on self-destruct”

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