BRITNEY SPEARS Gives Birth to Bouncing Baby Boy. KANYE WEST is NOT the Father.

Britneezy and Kanyeezy

Webmistress extraordinaire JACQUI HERNANDEZ owes BILLY SUNDAY a crispy one dollar bill now that news reports have confirmed that pop songstress BRITNEY SPEARS has given birth to a baby boy. The office bet wasn’t whether the child would be a boy or a girl, but on the size of Mrs. SPEARS’ coochbox. JACQUI felt that BRITNEY’s box was oversized from her constant usage of it, but BILLY SUNDAY (who has surprisingly seen some celebrity na-na himself) felt that BRITNEY had a smallish cameo. Since BRITNEY had a C-section, we will award WILLIAM H. with the win on this bet.

BRITNEY is already a proud step-mother to KORI and KALEB JACKSON, the half-jig children of Mrs. SPEARS unemployed husband.

The next office bet is that the baby will be named KANYE.

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