BAKSHI image repurposed by VEe
Over the past forty years the churches that African Americans frequent have traditionally been the stalwart locations that the Democratic party has sough to curry the support of their candidates. This has given some reverends and pastors a tremendous amount of political power in the party. Some of these Democratic elders feel a certain kind of way now that the party no longer consults them for their outreach. They should be scared too since OBAAMA has made his strides without recognizing them.
During his Father’s Day speech that he delivered at a different Black church than the one he had been fucking with previously OBAAMA let the congregation know that he wasn’t going to co-sign any of that old Black bullshit. Black men were going to have to assume their mantle of responsibility despite what other shit was popping off around them. I agree that racism and supremacy shouldn’t ever stop anyone from being a father to their child. OBAAMA even quoted TuPac, which drew a standing ovation from the gathered worshippers. Its time for Black folks to do for self since racism is now officially over and there is a somewhat Black(not 100% white) candidate for president.
There’s been a dramatic shift inside of the Democratic party which recognizes that inserting a civil rights agenda into a candidates platform is equal or worse than declaring yourself pro-choice. Affirmative action is being taken off the table similarly to the gains made by labor unions. The African American voting bloc which was once a respected jewel in the holy grail of Democratic electability is now questioned for its validity and existence. The American political landscape is facing the horizon of a brand new day where the “Black church” is no longer the moral compass and Blak people are no longer politicized s perpetual victims. I just haven’t quite figured out who the winners are for this shit.
So here’s a list of the losers…
AL SHARPTON a/k/a Reverend Simple Savior who was a staunch CLINTON ally, has now been reduced to being a sideline OBAAMA cheerleader. SHARPTON blew the whistle early on BARACK OBAAMA’s infrastructure claiming that he was simply a blackfaced operative for a white power base. SHARPTON might be correct in his assessment, but the question that pops up is this… Was HILLARY CLINTON a whiteface operative for a Black rights agenda? |
JESSE JACKSON lost too, just not as much as SHARPTON. The political career for JESSE JACKSON has long since been over, but his prestige in the Democratic party still remained until OBAAMA emerged. JACKSON, in a possible fit of jealousy, called out OBAAMA on one of the things that would make most regular Black people upset. JACKSON said OBAAMA was “acting as if he were white“. That’s right up there with talking about someone’s mama, but since OBAAMA’s mama IS white it didn’t faze BARACK in the least. |
BILL CLINTON lost the sheen on his legacy. If you know Black people like I do then you know that sheen is very important to us. CLINTON’s condescension for OBAAMA struck people as hateful and dismissive. We also got to see firsthand the underhanded voter manipulation that he employed as a president. BILL CLINTON went from being the first Black president to one of the people in the long line of plantation owners that lost his shit when one of the slaves talked back. |
ROBERT JOHNSON was on my worthless negro list from way back. Most Blacks tolerated him because he was wealthy. Blacks are always impressed with wealthy Blacks, no matter how these rich people secured their money. JOHNSON is a bloodsucker on the African American community worse than any leech because his skin color allows him to blend in. |
Reverend JEREMIAH WRIGHT has been nullified and silenced to the point that we can no longer debate the merits of the statements he has made over the years. OBAAMA’s candidacy is actually part of supremacy’s machinations. Black people are the new native Americans. I just wonder how long it will take for casinos to be installed in the community rooms of the housing projects? |
^ “BILL CLINTON went from being the first Black president to one of the people in the long line of plantation owners that lost his shit when one of the slaves talked back.”
^^ “Blacks are always impressed with wealthy Blacks, no matter how these rich people secured their money. JOHNSON is a bloodsucker on the African American community worse than any leech because his skin color allows him to blend in.”
Great post!
Co-signs CJ’s co-signs…
For Bandwidths Sake
I’ll just continue the co-signation. *gives DP the Obama pound*
clinton looks like a pimp
Black folks are far from the “new Native Americans.”
*gives DP my Uptown Co-sign*
and the co-signation continues…
rawdawgbuffalo….Clinton IS a pimp.
Please clarify DP????
I mean, I’m like three second from calling Bull Jive on yo ass for that statement.
FATSO in EFFECT done apologizes for fucking up the comment sections flow with his retarded ass.
OBAAMA’s candidacy is actually part of supremacy’s machinations.
Sharpton sure talks a lot of shit for a nigga with a perm, especially in this day and age.
I’m not quite sure that I agree that racism is dead considering Fox News just called Michelle Obama, a Baby Mama, which is about as racist as you can get.
I will agree that the power is no longer within the Churches, which is to say that most black communities have lost their economic epicenter which in and of itself is a sad statement.
Michelle Obama’s dumb ass called Barack Obama her “baby daddy”. Baby mama was the appropriate counterpart to that ridiculousness.
The Black church was a reliable voting base for the Democratic party. But, over half of Black people live in the Deep South–in RED STATES. The Blacker a state, the more Republican its whites. The Black vote is helpful at a local level (and as long as the country doesn’t go batshit with redistricting, that isn’t changing anytime soon), but when it comes to presidential elections, we don’t have much real power, and never have.
What political power we do have is reduced considerably when we consider that it has been a long time since the Democratic party actually did something to help Black people.
However, the Black Church remains a powerful force of social and economic change. Black people need to learn we can’t keep relying on a government that has never worked in our favor; we need to keep ourselves invested in the Church and other grassroots organizations.
Aunt Jackie: feel you that racism proll ISN’T over, but being called a Baby Mama is FAR from the ‘as racist as you can get’.
I’m also pulling a bullshit card on the “Black people are the new native Americans.” comment. Indians? Word? I don’t think anybody got it bad as Indians B.
Oh, yeah. DP, was you going to go in on the R. Kelly case?
Kent Wallace is dead, cause he used too many pointless words to say a lot of shit people on here already knew and said better than him.
I think that racism is dead thing was meant to be a joke (?).
What Jen says is mostly sad but true.
And I don’t disagree that everyone above came out looking worse after the Obama campaign; but we may not even be here were it not for some of their hard work in the past…
Let’s all admit that up to this point the native American has been shitted on horribly as a demographic…
The African in America has a story that is just as fucked the fuck up because the global supremacist caste system has us on the bottom rung wherever we go.
All I’m asking for are my casinos, since I have my liquor stores, drug dens and lotto tickets.
Everyone that is listed above came out of the Democratic presidential campaign less prestigious, less politically powerful, or both.
on indians and black people:
indians, on average have it more fucked up than black people, but there are more black people and they get fucked over pretty much world wide (no victim-hood mentality, not tryna get schooled by 40). i think that might be what it boils down to, anyway.
the fucked up thing is, now I’m seriously putting thought into what would go down at a Black Casino.
Coqui with both sides of family from Oklahoma and of Native American descent yes Native Americans have been the most screwed. My folks ended up in Oklahoma by way of the Trail of Tears which was pretty damn fucked up….forced migration by foot to a damn dust bowl in which thousands of Native Americans died along the way.
What’s worse is that in Oklahoma to be Native American is damn near the lowest of the low, my cousins used to tease Native American kids for being poor and ugly, (damn shame to curse apart of yourself) which I think was mainly due to the fact that someone was lower on the totem pole then them.
We’d be lucky if we were the new Native Americans, we might still have a culture intact while being laughed at, instead we’re just colored and Americanized.
As a TV Producer I’m outraged at the Chryron calling Michelle Obama a Baby Mama because studies have proven people remember more of what they see than what they hear which is to say that whatever Producer decided to use that Chyron made a conscious choice and knew what an impact it would have, thusly planting the seed for Obama’s Baby Mama to ring out at water coolers across the country.