BLU CHEEZ Cruises For Kiddie Poontang…

mamita chula

or, If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Eat ‘Em.

I vowed never to open a MySpace page since it reminded me of all the other crappy social network forums that I could never really be a part of. BlackPlanet, MiGente, Friendster, Match dot com, etc. I registered for all of them and I created a nice little page that was cool and the gang, but I never really made any friends or otherwise. For whatever reason the people could sense that I really didn’t belong. I guess it was because I didn’t know any of the cool HTML codes or the abbreviations to phrases like laughing my ass off and be right back. On BlackPlanet I did become semi-cool with this wild broad from L.A. that had three by three (3×3). Three kids and three baby daddies. Truth is that might have been my steez in my teens or my early twenties, but those are ultimately the types of broads that get you shots. Gunshots, or shots of penicillin.


This MySpace shit is bananas. Yeah, it’s obviously filled with the type of folks that I have utter contempt for. People that are essentially sheep just waiting to be herded on to the next hula hoop fad, but there also seems to be an undercurrent of serious, provactive thought going on in there. People that can think outside of the box who are just waiting to connect with someone from the mothership. I need to reach these folks and let them know where it’s going down at.

Awww, who are we kidding?!? There’s a shiiteload of horny young broads over there and daddy needs a brand new pair of Air Max Premiums.

Holler at BLU CHEEZ on MySpace.

11 Responses to “BLU CHEEZ Cruises For Kiddie Poontang…”

  1. LM says:

    LMAO, BRB, freakin’ hilarious.

  2. Alex2.0 says:

    as one of the resident 80s babies who frequents this site , i feel its my duty to at least provide with the some ka-nahledge on basic “internet speak” so you dont feel like the “dirty old man in the club wearing karl kani” on myspace. make sure you check ID. no r-uh kelly cases.

  3. Candice says:

    Dallas…you have sold out. You joined myspace????? The day is no longer as bright.

    *sigh* I hope you find the underaged pootang you so desperately seek.

  4. the_dallas says:

    Candice, blame Blu Cheez

  5. Amadeo says:

    The funny thing is as soon as I left Black Planet (or rather just didn’t bother to check it anymore) I kept getting messages from ladies tryin to go. Myspace is cool though I ain’t on there much, but people I haven’t seen since High School til now keep finding me. Reunion poon :).

  6. Candice says:

    I curse you BLU CHEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Billy Sunday says:

    Reunion poon is dope. The only thing better is funeral poon.

  8. Hateraid says:

    What about bridesmaid poon? Family reunion, you aren’t really my cousin poon? Deperate Housewife with a cheating spouse poon? I left my wallet in El Segundo poon…..I’m on a roll today. I drank a huge Caramel Macchiato. LOL

  9. Tiffany says:

    LMAO @ Hateraid

  10. prynsex says:

    this wild broad from L.A. that had three by three (3×3). Three kids and three baby daddies.

    ^that is some funny ass shit

    how bout some after the club poon, or I hate you so much right now poon, or you look familiar let me see if its really you poon…damn that’s a “Hi I’m Stone Phillips from Dateline NBC, won’t you have a seat for me” set-up/trap if I’ve ever seen one.

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