dog walker

In a manner of speaking, because both of these groups portend to a decline in the quality of life. With crackheads it’s the fact that your car’s back window gets broken every three to six months and with dogwalkers it’s the fact that as soon as the snow melts you find yourself constantly stepping in shit.

My biggest problem with the dogwalkers is their sense of privilege and entitlement that they have simply because they aren’t crackheads. As if they and their expensive dogs make my neighborhood better simply because of their presence. Not only do dogwalkers make my sidewalks shitty but they also lead to price increases in rent and other services. It’s assumed by business people that if anyone can afford to shelter and feed a non-productive member of their household then they wouldn’t mind paying extra for orange juice. O.K. We’ll make it organic orange juice.

COMBAT JACK asked me to kill the scatalogical posts, but I’m just tired of the shit on the sidewalks.


  1. I Fux says:

    ISnt there some kind of law if your dog dookies pick it up ……………..I know the Jake stays handing out meaningless tickets around my parts like no front plate, tinted windows, music blasting………so why not add Didnt pick up the dookie tickets……..1………….Primero……..Wahad

  2. Children of Sanchez says:

    I say life is full of shit, why not talk about it

  3. Robbie says:

    Is that the broad you’ve been stalking? If so, kidnap the pooch and watch the magic happen/

  4. 40 says:

    ROFLMAO @ this post. (Great pic BTW) I think that correlation of dogs per capita & rent/GNP (Gross Neighborhood Product) has some validity. I’m sure you can strengthen it further if you sort by breed. If you got a ‘hood full of sub-20 pound dogs, I’m sure all you can find is microbrews and Terra chips in the corner grocer/florist/juice bar. Because there damn sure ain’t no BO-DE-GA!

    If you get bored nothing is more fun than getting your fumbleruski on with one of those “miniature” canines on a leash. As they walk towards you just yell “FUMBLE” and get your Devin Hester on down the block. Release dog (It will return to mommy) and keep running.

  5. sasha says:

    them little fuckers is vicious.

    fumbleruski with my moms rat terrier you just might lose some hand meat! on the other hand fumbleruski with my aunts chihuahua (RIP) and you’d prahlee get your arm humped. i’m waiting for a ban on them ghey ass dogs. who wants a yipping cat? actually worse than a cat. at least cats shat in one easy to clean location and aren’t hella needy.

    bottomline………i don’t believe in dogs that weigh less than 50lbs. eff that.

  6. sangano says:

    i’m down with all of scatmandoo and its derived scatergories, do ur think whoadie…201 stand up!

  7. 40 says:

    “i don’t believe in dogs that weigh less than 50lbs. eff that.”

    Co-siggie on the pannie stai. Crazier still them little six pound dogs are the most expensive. When you start figgering the price per lb. on some of these dogs its quite insane. $2000 for a 6 pound dog. Fuckouttahere!!!

  8. Candice says:

    You may as well have a squirrel on a leash. And they’re free.

  9. I Fux says:

    Speaking of pets ………….The Wifey and I took our daughter to the pet store a couple of days back(the Hood Zoo) cuz our daughter wanted to look at some animals after eating at the local Chili’s and as I was walking through this stink bag of a pet store I couldnt help at noticing the trash that works there High on Meth looking White boys and there usually isnt whites around that area so I felt compelled to ask where he was from and the wifey didnt let me…..but I think there should be a study on who exactly works at Pet Stores and do they have Drug tests

  10. Lion XL says:

    True story..about 8 years ago I was gettin my daughter a cat from the local animal shelter, and I kid you not, they had litter of Chi-wa-whatever/Husky puppies. They had the prettiest coat and shit, and invisible eyes like wolves. I was tempted to get one, but I was scared that it would turn into some CHUD like carnivorous beast that would devour my family because Magic and/or Science had to have a hand in that mashup cuz there is no way, no matter who was pitchin and who was catchin, that a husky and a chi-wa-whatever could EVAR reporoduce. It just not possible……

  11. the_dallas says:

    homegirl in that pic has to be Russian.

    Only Russian broads can stomp around with seats like that.

  12. Amadeo says:

    For real when they flipped the Hippodrome to show Annie and other sissy musicals…Dog walkers flooded the area. I can’t even have my Venti Green Tea Latte w/ Raspberry without someone coming along with a dog I could kick a field goal with.

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