And The Hits Keep Coming…


Editor’s note: The Ambassador goes in on why she watches football in the first place. Guess what, it ain’t the tight pants.

I’m not about to act like I know much about football, because I don’t (Vernand Morency is proof of this), but I at least thought I knew who was going to win the Super Bowl. Well, once again, I was wrong. But I know I’m not the only one who is feeling like an idiot right now! I can’t recall speaking to anybody that thought that the Patriots would lose. Then again, I do go to George Mason – maybe the people I was speaking to took me out of context and thought I was talking about the infamous GMU Patriots who actually did win their last game. And, of course, they also had a recent win against VCU. Mason vs. VCU is pretty much the Super Bowl of the Colonial Athletic Association when it comes to basketball, so…well, let me stop bragging about my school. We’ll save that kind of talk for March Madness time.

Anyway, here we stand. Another Super Bowl Sunday behind us. And truthfully, I’m kind of glad. While Charles Grant was busy getting stabbed in the neck while he was out at a club, the Giants and Patriots players were warming up and practicing the most idiotic of dances to perform when the touchdowns would be scored, the pork patrol was loading up on donuts to provide sustenance for the long night of pulling over drunk drivers, fatasses across the country (in true American fashion) were making sure that they had a sufficient supply of buffalo wings and beer, and I found myself bored out of my mind. You would think that spending three years of my life on the sidelines of football games with a fake smile on my face while wearing a little skirt that barely covered my ass might make me enjoy football more. But alas, I still don’t even understand the game. Hell, I remember doing first and 10 cheers on the sidelines and not even knowing what a first and 10 meant. Not a good look. Actually…I take that back. The skirts trump the lack of knowledge. It was still a good look. Ah, high school. The good old days.

Speaking of the good old days, I realized that the only part of football that truly entertains me is the art of the tackle. So, I decided to utilize the great power of distraction known as YouTube to take a trip into the wonderful tackles of football games past. Take a look at what I found… and don’t worry, if you’re at work – just turn the sound off. They’re just as great in silence.

Joe Paterno took one hell of a hit in that video. This would also be the only tackle in this small bunch that I actually saw on TV when it happened. That was some crazy shit. Take into account how old he was when this happened and it’s even more amazing. I don’t think I’d even bother standing up after that one – I’d just coach the rest of the game from the ground. Joe Paterno is hardbody, sonn.

I have no idea who this is, but fast forward to the one minute mark for the slow motion replay. There is only one word to describe this clip: ouch.

This looks like the game wasn’t that big of a deal, but I’m sure the guy getting tackled in this one isn’t going to forget it. Word to Lil’ Jon, they were knockin’ some heads off in this one. Well, maybe not heads. More like helmets. Peep how far away it landed from the guy’s body!

Here we have someone named Ray Small getting laid out. But that’s not the best part of this video – check out the guy who tackled him after he made the hit. He looks so happy and full of joy. I think for a second his run actually turned into a skip. A trot perhaps. Ah, yes, the amazingly blissful feeling of fucking somebody the fuck up. Nothing like it. What a rush.

I had to throw this one in to defend cheerleading. Well, maybe this isn’t defending it, but it shows that we cheerleaders can take hits too. To my knowledge, this girl ended up with a concussion and ripped her ear off or something Mike Tyson-esque like that. This has to be the best cheerleading fuckup video on YouTube. Watch as her stunt partner pokes at her like road
kill while she’s out cold, and take notice of how the person recording it all doesn’t make a move to get up and help. Classic.

rocko Rocko Rocorski says…
“Helmets?!? DP Dot Com don’t need no stinkin’ helmets!”

13 Responses to “And The Hits Keep Coming…”

  1. zillz says:

    great post.

    omg… in that 2nd video, pause that joint at 1:20 and look at dude’s left leg. His foot was looking at him in the FACE!

    Ray Small disintegrated and ceased to exist.

    And that cheerleader landed on her noodle and the dude landed on her noodle.

    me, vcu alum. we’ll see u in Richmond.

  2. Dart_Adams says:

    That aint no Rocko Rockorski! That’s a picture of the Great American Hero Jim Thorpe!


  3. Amadeo says:

    Thanks for not showing the Willis McGahee knee shredding. That shyt makes me clutch my leg when I see it.

  4. 40 says:


  5. Candice says:

    Where’s the Theisman hit? That one is a classic.

  6. F says:

    i have this strange fear of tearing my acl doing basic shit, like cutting the grass or walking down the stairs. That being said, when McGahee got his knee blown the fuck up during that BCS title game, i almost fainted.

    What sucks is that was one of the greatest games i ever saw, and i can never watch it again.

    I don’t even want to talk about Joe Theisman. x_x

  7. P-Matik says:

    When I went to GMU, had the worst b-ball team in existence. Must be nice to see some good games.

  8. Dj RaYz says:

    That last clip of the cheerleader is cold as ice! Classic example of the person filming not going up to help. OMG!

  9. dubble13 says:

    Screw GMU and VCU!

    GW (Geo. Wash) stand up!!!

  10. 40 says:

    Dallas isn’t that Jim Thorpe? Who along with Jack Johnson and Jackie Robinson lead the pantheon of most persecuted athletes? I’ll bet you a new pair of AF1’s (Dunks for you) at your Dr. Jays/VIM/Ralphies that is. Unless there is some legal reason why you can’t use is name give that man his props.

  11. the_dallas says:

    Jim Thorpe is the Malcolm X/Marcus Garvey/Gandhi hardbody GOAT of this sports shit. If you don’t know his iconic face and his story then a 185w pixel image doesn’t matter.

    Don’t worry, for baseball season I will use Jack Roosevelt’s pic and call him Blackie Blackerson.

  12. 40 says:

    ^This is why I rolls with

  13. dubble13 says:

    What is up with the results of the championship football pool?

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