POLITRICKS 2008: California’s Primary Colors


While many pundits and talking heads have spun the Super Tuesday Democratic party primary into a tie between OBAAMA and CLINTON the truth is that OBAAMA’s Achilles Heel has been brought to the light.

Latinos and asian people HATE Blacks. Okay, so maybe hate is too strong a word. Latinos and asian peoples have trust concerns when African Americans are being regarded. I think this is the result of the programming that has been put in place for generations in order to help these people assimilate into American society more easily. It also shows me exactly how thoroughly convincing supremacist propaganda really is.

While everyone has used OBAAMA’s candidacy to focus on the historically dysfunctional relationship of Blacks and the white, what will ultimately determine the Democratic party’s nomination are the decisions of the yellows and the browns, or the tans, whatever. For all you Blacks that have been getting hyped with Obamania you might want to brush up on your espanol. A recent study conducted through Duke University said that nearly sixty percent of Latinos felt that Blacks were lazy and non hardworking, while the same survey described that only ten percent of white held that unfavorable view.

This means that if you live in New York City and you support OBAAMA you might want to tip your takeout delivery man a little extra something. That dude prah’lee isn’t voting but you might be surprised at the goodwill between Blacks and Mexicans you have just engendered. Asian people dislike Blacks at an even greater clip than Mexicans so bringing the newsstand owner over to OBAAMA’s camp might not even be worth your effort. I imagine that the mainland Chinese folks may be the only viable asian subgroup available to supporting OBAAMA. Strictly on the proxy that four chicken wings and pork fried rice will become an official White House menu item.

Its sadly ironic that as some people are finally making strides to judge others only by the content of their character there is a whole sector of our population that has been so completely programmed to perpetuate the tenets of supremacy that the day will come when the Ku Klux Klan is made up of non-whites. Word to MEChA, and I’m not talking about Godzilla.

25 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: California’s Primary Colors”

  1. Blackwater says:

    knowlegde as always

  2. Blackwater says:

    and I spelled that wrong on purpose by the way

  3. Cashus Clay says:

    As a latino person whos skin color is black i take issue with your position much has been made of the lack of mexican support for Obama but latinos are more then just mexicans there are dominicans Puerto Ricans Panama costa rica all countries with large black populations

  4. Cashus Clay says:

    haha i let it slide

  5. Combat Jack says:

    Willie Lynch was an effin genius!!! Dissention on an effin global level.

  6. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    I’m not buying the argument that “most latinos are racist against blacks”. That is a lamestream media talking point to drive ratings. Or, Panicciolli might say, some illumunati-sponsored plan to get American minorities to beef with each other [||]. White Americans’ racism against any other group still destroys any other racism between groups.

    1st, like Clay noted, many latinos have African ancestry themselves.

    2nd, Obama himself could easily pass as a Dominican, Colombian, etc.

    3rd, countries in Latin America have been way more progressive at electing “minority” presidents than the USA

    Hugo Chavez – African/Amerindian/Spanish mestizo cat. Actually that’s really the majority in Venezuela, just showing the non-racism against Africans factor

    Alberto Fujimori – Japanese ethnic, in a country like Peru where Asians are a small minority like

  7. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    my comment got cut off

    an a-rab runs El Salvador, Chile’s Pres is a woman.

  8. the_dallas says:

    All that progressive shit works OUTSIDE of America. Welcome to the U.S. Now speak english. Start with an ‘S’ for SUPREMACY.

    Mexicans and Asians in America assume the stance of supremacy in order to assimilate. Do you think white really hates Blacks, or does white realize that supremacy is their ticket to not being on the same social strata as the “wretched of the Earth” therefore they accept the tenets of supremacy and they begin by hanging nooses from trees.

    I’m not saying that Mexxos or Chinks get down this way because they want to, I’m saying that if you want to fit in good with the American social-economic-political system then you need to practice putting your foot in a nigga’s ass.

    Tell me I’m lying…

  9. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    Dallas, aren’t you to smart to fall for this lamestream media “shock” talking point? *smh*

    Clarence Page ethers this incorrect wack meme that latinos don’t vote for blacks & visa-versa here

    why did H Clinton get more “Mexo” voters than Obama in California? The most likely reason is:

    Brand name/name recognition.

    Bill Clinton, despite his ReThug-lite tendencies, did a good job in the 90s, creating a budget surplus & 20M private sector jobs. Many non-news following voters don’t know Obama, but are Bill Clinton supporters, so they roll with Hillary.

    This dynamic is changing tho, as Obama is raising more money than Hillary.

  10. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    So yeah, Dallas, “you’re lying”

  11. the_dallas says:

    ^ The American Prospect?!?

    GTFOH with that liberal crap.

    Here’s a serious article about how the Mexicali diaspora voters really get down (via reliable internets media source: Gawker)

  12. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    I got the Page article off of realclearpolitics.com aggregation blog. “American Prospect” looks like MSM to me, it ain’t some kinda “far-left liberal” mag.

    Clarence Page is a veteran DC mainstream media journalist, 1 of the few MSM who is actually comptent, makes sense, totally unlike the lamestream douche morons ala Chris Matthews. As a black dude, Page might also have his own personal perspective when writing on this topic.

    Page >>> some Gawker blog douche

  13. the_dallas says:

    You are right I am too damn smart to be hoodwinked by Page or any pundit who claims that the Mexicans that vote for a U.S. president won’t be going in hard for the candidate that looks most like a relative of ‘Uncle Sam’. Mark my words, watch and see in Noveember how Mexxos go in hard [ll] for whatever Rethuglican gets their party nod.

    WTF does Page know about a Mexican voter anyhoo? After three decades of eating bandeja paisa and chicharron I know more about the Mexican Colombian, Mexican Dominican and Mexican Mexican than Page does. I remember this cat Leonel that was running for the prez of D.R. and how these piss poor Dominicana abuelitas that clean white’s toilets at night were culling every penny they could find to fly down to D.R. to cast their vote. Leonel was darker than I am with nappier hair, but don’t you dare call sonn Black.

    Supremacy propaganda is the parent company of the name brand. Don’t ever sleep on the desire of people to assimilate into the social strata. That shit works over everyone.

    It made Germans, Italians, and Irish people lose their accents and change their surnames. It will do the same to the Mexxos, the Spics, the Gooks, the A-rabs, the Coolies, the Red Dots, the Chinks, the War Babies and whoever else wants a piece of this good shit called capitalism (masked as democracy). Mexxos are just another group of people lining up to kick Blacks in the ass. There’s more to come. I see Africans getting themselves in the queue now.

    Don’t tell me that I’m not awake, the coffee has been brewing all morning and it ain’t my fault if you’re just now smelling it.

  14. Combat Jack says:


    Remember meeting a PR chick years ago. When I pressed up, she proudly exclaimed that she did not date Black. Offended? No. Determined? No Doubt. This chick had me courting her for like 9 months, with my shit staying on ROCK!!! Once I made the mistake of mentioning something about our common African diaspora heritage and she flipped the eff out about “no way in the world am I African!”. When asked what she considered her fine brown skinted ass to be, she proudly responded that her race was “Puerto Rican, Spanish” even. I continued to put mad work cause CJ ain’t never been a quitter. Once I started getting closer to pay day, Chica had the kid produce medical papers as to my aids free status. Insulted? No. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for me and my lil’ man’s an’ em? No doubt! Finally, after a nite of exposing her to the funness of Frankie’s Soul Kitchen, I had latin panties dropping like rainshower. After a while, she started showing up with the fashionista cammo jacket with the red, black and green colors, talking all types of Afro-revolution shit. Started shunning white as she became more aware of global-econo-politricks, as well as becoming more hooked on the poundage she was getting from the kid. Finally broke down and asked me to impregnante her with one of my babies, just on GP, no strings attached. Realized, I was probably the most cultured, well-travfelled and most educated (double ivy league, Crown Heights bred) person she had ever met in her life at the time. Had to cut that purty ass loose.

    Moral of the story? Ignorance is bliss, but good wood is a damned strong unifying force.

  15. West Indian (that'd be Caribbean for you, North Americans) says:

    Moral of the story? Ignorance is bliss, but good wood is a damned strong unifying force.


    I couldn’t have said it any better!

  16. CeezDiem says:

    As minorities, we’d like to think that we’d all be together against Uncle Sam if Race War I ever broke out, but thats probably a pipe dream.

    I totally 2nd what you’re talkin bout Dallas. it’s sad but we gotta face the facts.

    Why are alotta Asians and Latinos racist against black folks?
    american/global Media brainwashing is part of it.

    So is the importation of each latin/asian countries own homebrew of racism.

    But one can’t ignore the amount of “racial hazing” immigrants receive from the minorities that are already here. its not like Black folks (or anybody else for that matter) throw open their arms, and invite the Trahn’s or the Ocampo’s over for a potluck when they move into the hood.

    (someone throws their hand up and says “thats exactly what happened to my family when we moved into the hood, so thats bullshit!!”)

    Well then YOU were lucky, Chingo Bling, and probably one of the first mexicans or whatever on your block, not to mention assimilated enough to not be considered the equivalent of one of those leopard head baldies from Alien Nation. One latin family on a black block might be cool. 20 and that shit gets a little too close for comfort, and the sideways hood glances begin.

    And think of how many times youve been in a Chinese/Arab deli/restaurant and seen some 12yr old douchebag mumble an order, then YELL when the clerk had the audacity to get it wrong.

    Now i’m not suggesting that when Chun Li first opened up DiDiMao’s House of Chicken Wings in Bushwick she wasnt racist. Of course she was. But the folks in the neighborhood didnt exactly disprove her notions. So if 85% of her clientele act like assholes, she’s gonna think 125% of ‘Brack’ people suck.

    (Another mf throws their hand up and says “Well, that’s cuz they just got off the boat and got a store, and are now taking dollars OUT the hood”. Why should i be nice to them?)

    Wamp wamp. it never ends. Keep being an asshole and get Pork fried rice with spit in in then.

    The arab bodega in my neighborhood has been there over 50 years. And theyve run it the whole time. People treat them pretty well for the most part, cuz theyre a fixture. But they still got a good percentage of douchebags. I guess time/temperment/and going thru hardships together is what simmers down the hateration.

    I’m a pessimistic optimist tho (the realest realist). All in all, i think we’re never gonna really get along. Why dont Tigers, Pumas, Ocelots, and Siamese cats all hang out? They’re all cats right? Wrong. Go see if Pete Puma votes for Tony the Tiger this November.

  17. Amadeo says:

    People get caught up cause they are in the group being mentioned…but it’s classic America and historic. Good example: American white hates Irish…Irish hates black. That was from early on. Even thought amongst those groups the poorest could get along…there are always assholes and the best way for an asshole to seemingly come up? Shit on the new guy. Hey new guy where you from…well fuck you and them.

    It’s been happening forever. It’s really just a way for the initial haters to get a rest. “Why don’t ya’ll fight each other for a while…we’re tired.”

  18. P-Matik says:

    The VA primary is Tuesday. For this reason, I expect Virginia Beach to be all Clinton because of the asian population there. I get down with some of them out there but I have personal experience with how brand new they can get with my kind.

    I’m just sayin’…

  19. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    And let’s not forget the one crucial thing
    that has allowed him to virtually ‘come out
    of nowhere’; the one pre-requisite that an
    aspiring leader must have to occupy THIS
    “White” House…BLOOD TIES!

    By birth and maternal ties, Barak Obama is a
    “Halachic Jew”; which may go far in explaining
    what the papers and media have conveniently
    down-played…his fervent support of the fascist
    state of Israel; not to mention his ongoing covert
    relationship with British Intelligence.

    Yes my brother, Obama has an undercurrent of
    “drama” that starry-eyed America will oneday
    experience as a rude awakening.

    Keep up the good work.

    Dr. Valentine

    > From The Ramparts
    > Junious Ricardo Stanton
    > The Delusion of Inclusion
    > /“In an unjust social order, an order where one group abusively
    > dominates another, “the habit of obedience” in the subordinate or abused
    > groups functions to maintain that order. Subordinate groups thereby
    > collude with the dominant group to perpetuate its own subordination and
    > exploitation. This situation can only be changed by the destabilization
    > and breakdown of the unjust social order i.e., by radically reorganizing
    > its structure of power relations. And this can only be brought about by
    > subordinate grops refusal to comply with the demands of the dominant
    > group. The compliance with which (by the subordinate groups) are often
    > responsible for or crucial to maintaining the onerous social order in
    > the first place. The subordinate group must break its “habits of
    > obedience” and engage in “civil disobedience”. It was primarily through
    > civil disobedience that Ghandi broke the social order of British
    > colonialism in India and Martin Luther King Jr. Radically transformed
    > the social order of the southern United States.”/ Amos N Wilson
    > Blueprint For Black Power A Moral Political and Economic Imperative for
    > The Twenty-First Century page 44
    > The emergence of Barack Obama as a credible candidate for US president
    > has stoked the fantasies of black folks and “progressive” whites who
    > believe Obama offers a chance to redeem AmeriKKKa and save it from
    > itself. Young whites are enthusiastically supporting Obama and black
    > folks are starting to get hyped about his candidacy. Many actually
    > believe he has a chance to win the Democratic nomination. This is a
    > clear indication either of wishful thinking or delusional insanity. The
    > definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over with the
    > same people expecting different results. In 2006 people who were fed up
    > with Bu$h’s imperialist misadventures, his lies and treachery turned out
    > in droves to vote for change. They sent Democrats to Washington with a
    > clear mandate to end the occupation of Iraq and bring the troops home.
    > But within a few months, the Democrats sold us out. First by refusing to
    > even consider the impeachment of Bu$h and Cheney and by continuously
    > rolling over and giving the fascist warmongers in the White House
    > everything they demanded. To add insult to injury the Democrats punked
    > out when it came time to honor their oaths, uphold the separation of
    > powers and defend the US Constitution. Time after time the Democrats in
    > Congress, including Barack Obama, did the exact opposite of what their
    > constituents sent them to Washington to do, bring transparency and
    > integrity to government, reign in a megalomaniacal George W Bu$h and
    > restore fiscal soundness. The Democrats bent to the lobbyists, they have
    > collaborated with Bu$h, escalated the Iraq occupation (the so called
    > surge was really an escalation) and have increased the national debt by
    > trillions!
    > Admittedly, Barack Obama is an anomaly. He is a person of color in the
    > US Senate a.k.a the good ol’ boys millionaires club. No one outside the
    > state of Illinois even knew who he was prior to the 2004 Democratic
    > Convention. Obama gave the keynote speech at the convention and
    > overnight as if by magic he became a household name. The plutocrats
    > allowed Obama to capitalize on the name recognition their media
    > facilitated, he skillfully used his new found fame as an author and the
    > popularity favorable media exposure created, to amp up his run for the
    > presidency. Obama has raised lots of money, much of it from ordinary
    > individuals, grass roots organizations, and via the Internet. But he
    > also has gotten big bucks from Hedge Funds as well as the usual
    > corporate entities. Washington insiders like Zbigniew Brzezinski and
    > Richard Clarke the former Clinton and Bush administration counter,
    > terrorism expert and others on his policy and position team, indicate
    > Obama is not the breath of fresh air he claims to be. While he doesn’t
    > command as many heavy hitters from the ruling elite organizations like
    > the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on
    > Foreign Relations, and apparatuses such as the Heritage Foundation, the
    > Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Brookings
    > Institution, AIPAC, the Hoover Institution and the American Enterprise
    > Institute as his opponents, Obama’s camp has been infiltrated by their
    > ilk.
    > This means if Obama wins the Democrat nomination and he subsequently
    > wins the popular and the electoral college vote, he will be a puppet of
    > the ruling oligarchy. He will do what they advise (order) him to do, or
    > else. All this means is business as usual only with a black face in the
    > White House. It will be an escalated variation of the Clarence Thomas,
    > Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzalez shuffle and buck
    > dance with a Democrat twist. Numerous wars will continue because the
    > military-industrial complex demands it and the predatory AmeriKKKan
    > empire needs to suck the blood of humanity and plunder the earth’s
    > resources in order to survive. For working folks, the economy and their
    > standard of living will continue to decline because that too is part of
    > the ruling elites’ overarching agenda.
    > We need to wake up and not get caught in the media induced cult of
    > personality. We have to stop falling for the lame okey-doke they keep
    > running on us. Just because Obama is being used and played doesn’t mean
    > we have to go along with the charade. The ruling elites have no
    > intention of making AmeriKKKa a free and open society. In fact, their
    > plan is to usher in a fascist police state under the bogus guise of
    > “national security”. If they have to use a Barack Obama to accomplish
    > it, so be it. It will put a melanated face on US imperialism and
    > domestic oppression.
    > We should be about the business of networking and organizing. Not for
    > Obama or any other “mainstream” candidate; but for our own survival. We
    > should be challenging and confronting the ruling elites’ policies and
    > agenda; not with arms but with economic boycotts, divestment and civil
    > disobedience. We should let the ruling elites and their puppets know we
    > are not going to go out falling for their okey-doke. The best way to do
    > that is by hitting them where it hurts the most, where it impacts their
    > bottom line. They can’t put us in jail for not spending or investing our
    > money!!!
    > Backing Barack Obama, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader or a third party candidate
    > is a total waste of time. This system is not set up to accommodate third
    > party candidates! Third Party presidential candidates have major
    > difficulty getting on the ballot in most states. They have a hard time
    > raising adequate funds and establishing effective working organizations.
    > A third party national candidacy is not the solution. Running local
    > candidates for local office and school boards may work. We cannot throw
    > up our hands in despair, frustration and hopelessness. If we remain
    > silent, passive and complacent, we will be just like the Germans who
    > allowed Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party to lead
    > Germany to ruin and shame.

  20. combat jack should do a blog…his stories are always highly entertaining

  21. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    For all of you folks who believe in voting like a religion the CNN/MSNBC/FAUX NEWS fuckers and pundits are all babbling about how your vote won’t mean shit if the 800 super delegates override the popular vote. And may I dare remind you of the Gore/Bush fuckery that involved The Electoral College and even the Supreme Court itself. So go out and vote early and often vote for the candidate that most looks like you (Miss Ann as in yassum Miss Ann) Hillary or that light skinned voice for change (not exactly sure what that change will be he kinds of mumbles a bit on that one) Obama or that poor seemingly smug and deranged (10 more years in IRAQ) McCain and I’ll bet a million dollars (999,900 dollars more than I have) that ain’t shit gonna change no matter which one of those millionaire lames sits in the oval office. What do I know? In my heart it says “THERE WILL NEVER BE JUSTICE ON STOLEN LAND” and since the land was stolen from my people perhaps my attitude is justified, or maybe not. Ernie
    PS Combat Jack, my good wood has opened more doors for me than personality, brains or talent, sad, but true.

  22. Tony says:

    Sadly, I think Dallas has it right on this one as much as I’d like to see solidarity among people of color . . . It just ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.

    Money line on this mega post: “I think this is the result of the programming that has been put in place for generations in order to help these people assimilate into American society more easily. It also shows me exactly how thoroughly convincing supremacist propaganda really is.”

    This is one of the most truthful things I’ve ever read and it’s one of the main reasons why this blog stands head and shoulders above the rest.

  23. dameSTAtus says:

    DP, always get what I need over here, short of the piffery.

    In this case, it’s a chance to dialogue w/ not only the infamous CJ, but also Ernie P. Honored Gentlemen, moving on.

    CJ, way to be persistent and also to wake someone up to reality (she probably in turn woke others up, even if it was ultimately a fad to recognize one’s blackness).

    Ernie, you are great at pointing out the inherent evil and status quo presetn with each of our three “options”. Additionally, I understand your stance as a member of a group who literally had their land stolen. My ancestors (or at least until I pay for the geneology test) were more so “stolen”, but their land was appropriated too (Rhodesia anyone?).

    So, Ernie, my question to you is: Who do you tell a young voter to consider choosing? Because too many “headline scholars” I know will be hitting me with that “Obama/Jew” argument in about a month, and naively reasoning that Hillary, again, becomes the better choice.

    You see things in a global sense often, perhaps extremely influenced by your Native American heritage (when did “Indian” become okay again? And I’m in PC Cali!). Or as I like to say, you work from Macro to Micro. I work from Micro to Macro (in the context/influence of being a black american), and I can’t but help feel that a lot of this Obama-hating I hear from other black americans is heavily rooted in pure self-hatred.

    I.e: If a black man becomes president, I’ll be less able to make excuses for myself.

    Holler back gents (and ladies, I see you meka)


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