Unsigned Hype…

blake griffin

After all the world class athletes, like Oklahoma’s BLAKE GRIFFIN, have been selected to compete on the professional hardwood courts of the Association there will be one lower, okay really lower class athlete whose heart still pumps the blood of a champion. His name is Dontrevius Wenters.

TERRENCE ELENTENY created Draft Daze specifically for the NBA draft. He asked me on the project to play the role of the central character and to add some writing to the project. I think that under the time constraints of all the people involved TERRENCE nailed this joint.

If you haven’t watched Draft Daze in it’s entirety please do so.

And don’t stop believing…

11 Responses to “Unsigned Hype…”

  1. 40 says:

    Lightskint dudes run this draft…

    Blake Griffin… Stephen Curry… Dontrevius Wenters…

  2. mercilesz says:

    Dude brought his own table on the train to the cage for a press conference. I couldn’t stop laffing from that point on. yall need a comedy central show or something.

  3. PerForce1 says:

    lemme get some that rum raisin!

  4. Amadeo says:

    @ 40 I like how everyone was brushing Curry off…now dude is starting to look like the best player out of the gate.

  5. big rils says:

    Tyreke Evans will be the best player in this draft. And the forgotten NC dudes – Ellington and Green – will be steals in the second round ….


  6. VEe says:

    Dontrevius Wenters is the TRUTH!!
    I don’t see how the KnICKS didn’t DRaft him yet, they need his level of passion and heART.

  7. PeepTheNewAirMaximRetro says:

    R.I.P. Michael Jackson

  8. Yorubaboy says:

    RIP Jacko

  9. Mark Dub says:

    I’m just glad that my Hornets did the right thing, and acquired the rights to Marcus Thornton. A big atheletic guard who actually act as if he likes to play defense is just what we needed. Too bad we missed out on that Wenters kid; I’m sure that he has more heart than that damn Peja

  10. chief racka says:

    24 karat! … The Dolomite-esque booms in the shots were classic too (intentional or not)

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