L.A. Internets FTW…

fett hoody

I take it for granted sometimes that y’all fux with the shit I post on this site. I don’t believe that anyone internalizes these drops the same way that I do. How could y’all? That would make y’all as crazy as I am. But some of y’all are as crazy as me. Some of y’all live for the day that you can put on a Dr.Doom mask and green cape and just walk through the subway system. I salute the people that know what the fux it is that I’m about at heart.

The homey DJ Franchise from Know the Ledge hit me with a TWitter kite that the Macy*s around his way – killer Cali – had a few of these Marc Ecko Boba Fett hoodys left lying around and they were on sale for 50% off. You already know that 30% off is official, so 50% off is like, superficial. Ha. I amuse myself most of all with my own retardedness. Good looking on that joint DJ Franchise. I got a little something extra coming to you in the mail with that check.

During the Tiger Woods imbroglio I have thoroughly enjoyed the TWits coming from my Cali sweetheart Mz. Ahmad. She is one of my blogosphere heroines and I love that she always keeps her steez so fresh and so clean. When she gets tired of something she puts it aside and starts working on a new project. I love her energy and her style. You can find her alter-ego Aunt Jackie dropping fashion jewels on the internets now at The Recessionistas.

Everybody knows our homies N8 and Meka right? N8 isn’t from Cali though, but he started a weblog aside from his Nah’Right grinding to give the internets a look at some of his interests outside of the rap game. What?!? N8 does something else other than listen to rap and watch Hip-Hop videos all day? His new page is called It’s The Calm and he gave some space for Meka from 2DopeBoyz to give us the story of his ascendancy on the world wide web.

Cali internets work their asses off just to keep up with the info cycle of us folks here on the east coast. Make sure you pay a visit to these folks pages in your web travels when you aren’t here fuxing with your boy. Thanks, and you’re very welcome.

11 Responses to “L.A. Internets FTW…”

  1. rek says:

    word, cali heads put in work.. mfucukaz love to throw up signs tho

  2. Mark Dub says:

    Glad to validate that even if you are as weird as you think you are, you are not alone in your insania.

  3. the_dallas says:


    Best. Word. Evar.

  4. Rob says:

    Some heads from round my way doin things? we’re a lazy bunch out here, what with the best weather and weed and whatnot. Anyhoo, gotta check it out. Mekas old blog used to be one of the most entertaing and funniest reads.

  5. Tony Grands says:

    My city is so hardbody that gangsta’s wear skinny jeans.

  6. BIGNAT says:

    @ Grands it is funny because i seen a guy a couple days ago. trying to hide a gun wearing skinny jeans. he had me cracking up he was trying to put it into the back of his jeans it would not work. then he tried the front but when he pulled down his tight ass thermals you could see it. he had to slide it into his man bag smh.

  7. Tony Grands says:


    I love LA, but…

    This is the home of confused ass niggas. How you got a nose ring, a tongue, a tat on your hand that says “LUST”, don’t forget said skinny jeans, but asking cats where they from & sprinkling ‘cuz’ in your converstion? No exaggeration.

    & the chicks, they claim they’re gay, cesars & eyebrow rings with tats on their neck & chest waaay bigger than the ones I have, holding some dainty, lipstick carpet munchers hand, but have 3 EFFIN’ KIDS!!!
    Lost Angels, indeed.

  8. BIGNAT says:

    that is crazy tony but that is the truth anywear you go. i can never understand gay people who pick mates who look like the opposite sex. like these girls there girlfriends look like me minus the beard. get the fuck outta here with that. then guys got dudes who wanna wear makeup and dress like chicks. to me it just doesn’t make any sense. also don’t ask them because you will never get a straight answer. ha see what i did with the “straight” in there i didn’t even mean to do that

  9. khal says:

    insania is cool. i was always partial to “automatica”.

  10. Mark Dub says:

    You guys are licensed to use “insania” at your leisure. Excelsior

  11. bananaclipse says:

    LA ALL DAY! but I’m more old school cali than new school

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